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[bug #38795] texi2any makes CR in output when input is mixed CR-LF and L

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: [bug #38795] texi2any makes CR in output when input is mixed CR-LF and LF files
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 13:05:55 +0000
User-agent: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.10


                 Summary: texi2any makes CR in output when input is mixed
CR-LF and LF files
                 Project: texinfo - GNU documentation system
            Submitted by: vincentb1
            Submitted on: dim. 21 avril 2013 13:05:54 GMT
                Category: makeinfo
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: bug
                 Privacy: Public
             Open/Closed: Open
             Assigned to: None
         Discussion Lock: Any
                  Status: None



If some files are encoded with EOL as CRLF and other are encoded with EOL as
LF, then texinfo is in trouble and puts CR into the Info output.

There must not be any CR in the Info files, only LF.

I came across the problem with BBDB doc, I think that the issue comes from
this that some of the files are like ASCII files on the GIT repo of BBDB, and
others are as binary.

Attached is the document that creates the problem. Un targzip, and then 

tex2any  bbdb.texi


File Attachments:

Date: dim. 21 avril 2013 13:05:54 GMT  Name: bbdb.tgz  Size: 19 ko   By:



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