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Re: texinfo 5.2 dist creates directories that are 777

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: texinfo 5.2 dist creates directories that are 777
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:27:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

() Norbert Preining <address@hidden>
() Sun, 17 Nov 2013 08:44:43 +0900

   > So -p is more than just "preserve modification time"?!?

   At least on my GNU tar ...

        -p, --preserve-permissions, --same-permissions
              extract information about file permissions (default for superuser)


   > That's a new one on me.

   One never stops learning.


Perhaps OP got confused by ‘cp -p’, which has similar but not identical
meaning.  I use that sometimes for hand-rolled (Automake-less) "make
dist" target (prep phase).  I was ignorant of ‘tar -p’ until just now.

Thien-Thi Nguyen
   GPG key: 4C807502
   (if you're human and you know it)
      read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical)
                               (not (via 'mailing-list)))
                     => nil

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