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Re: @part command and docbook

From: Aharon Robbins
Subject: Re: @part command and docbook
Date: Fri, 09 May 2014 14:53:42 +0300
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.5 6/20/10

Hi Karl.

>     2. For all current features of the Texinfo language, the docbook output
>        generated by makeinfo should be valid docbook.  I think we all agree
>        on this as a principle.
> Agreed.
>        If we accept this, then for makeinfo --docbook, any text
>        following @part and preceding the first @chapter should be
>        wrapped in <partintro> tags, and Patrice should fix this.
>        I am fine for makeinfo to issue a warning about such text if not
>        in docbook mode.
>        Karl, do you approve this docbook-specific fix?
> I guess I'm ok with both parts of this (the <partintro> and the
> non-docbook warning),

Much thanks.

I will try in the future to stick to real bugs w.r.t. docbook generation.

> but ...
>     wrapping <partintro> tags in @docbook works
> .. that actually seems cleaner to me.

Not really - the translator should handle it.  What if <partintro> goes away
in some subsequent docbook revision?  Such things have been known to happen.

> Thanks, and sorry to be such a curmudgeon about it all.

It's OK.  Welcome to the curmudgeon club. (Can we get our own mascot?
Maybe an aging GNU with a cane. :-) I think we all have our whiny users;
I just hope that I'm on the low end of the "whiny" scale. :-)



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