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Re: [bug #45759] Can't find Texinfo::ModulePath

From: Gavin Smith
Subject: Re: [bug #45759] Can't find Texinfo::ModulePath
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:56:51 +0100

On 17 August 2015 at 11:33, Patrice Dumas <address@hidden> wrote:
> I checked and unsurprisingly it didn't work.  I tried to build the .xs
> file from the tp/Makefile.PL, but I did not succeed, and information in
> internet and in the MakeMaker documentation is scarce and nobody seems
> to build .xs files from subdirectories.  I had a bit more success
> building recursively XSParagraph after updating the XSParagraph
> Makefile.PL.  Not complete success, though.
> I then tried to build XSParagraph as a standalone module first, from
> within tp/Texinfo/Convert/XSParagraph, with the idea that if this works,
> building it as part of tp/Makefile.PL could be possible.  The gnulib
> files do not build, but I think that they are not mandatory and that we
> probably cannot rely on gnulib for a standalone module.  ldd on the .so
> file do not show anything suspect.  The undefined symbols seem to be
> either from libc or perl, which I guess are loaded somehow when using xs
> files.

As far as I remember the gnulib files were used for asprintf on
Windows. I don't think anyone ever got it to work, though.

> I modified XSParagraph.pm to load the .so file, but it didn't work fully:
> Running Mkbootstrap for XSParagraph ()
> chmod 644 XSParagraph.bs
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM"
> "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0,
> 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> t/XSParagraph.t .. 1/1
> #   Failed test 'use XSParagraph;'
> #   at t/XSParagraph.t line 12.
> #     Tried to use 'XSParagraph'.
> #     Error:  Invalid version format (non-numeric data) at
> #     
> /home/dumas/src/texinfo/tp/Texinfo/Convert/XSParagraph/blib/lib/XSParagraph.pm
> #     line 195.

I think I've seen something like this error before, due to the version
being "6.0dev" instead of "6.0".

> # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> # 
> /home/dumas/src/texinfo/tp/Texinfo/Convert/XSParagraph/blib/lib/XSParagraph.pm
> # line 215.
> # Compilation failed in require at t/XSParagraph.t line 12.
> # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/XSParagraph.t line 12.
> Perl: here 1
> Undefined subroutine &XSParagraph::set_state called at t/XSParagraph.t
> line 23.
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
> # Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 1.
> t/XSParagraph.t .. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
> Failed 1/1 subtests

We don't need to worry about that test failure - it hasn't been used
for a long time, since I was trying to get XS to work in the first

> Is this a possibility to build a standalone module worth more investigation?

I'll have a look at the patch you posted. I have to say I don't care
if building a standalone XS module works. I only care that it can be
used from texi2any, which is difficult enough as it is. I've no
interest in maintaining two build systems in parallel: just one of
them causes enough problems. A standalone pure Perl module is more

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