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Re: control over sectioning and splitting

From: Per Bothner
Subject: Re: control over sectioning and splitting
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:20:03 -0800
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On 1/22/22 02:07, Gavin Smith wrote:
@chapter or @section without @node would become a lot like
@heading except perhaps there could also be an @anchor generated
for the chapter heading as well as appearing in the table of
contents.  There would have to be a check that the name of the
automatic @anchor didn't clash with any other @node or @anchor.

If the @section/whatever is immediately preceded by an @anchor,
one can use the explicit anchor instead.  In a sense the @anchor
functions like the @missing node command, except in terms of splitting.

I assume you would disallow sub-nodes: I.e. the next @node command would
have to be followed by a sectioning comand at the same or higher level.
        --Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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