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Re: @displaymath in @iftex

From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: @displaymath in @iftex
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 13:07:31 -0700

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 9:15 AM Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 09:07:20AM -0700, Raymond Toy wrote:
> The manual isn't clear about what @displaymath does.  I have something like
> @ifhtml
> @displaymath
> eqn
> @end displaymath
> @end ifhtml
> @iftex
> @displaymath
> eqn
> @end displaymath
> @end iftex
> The html version looks great with the eqn displayed as expected.  But in
> the pdf manual, there's an error about missing $ that is inserted.
> Everything works as expected if I do
> @tex
> $$eqn$$
> @end tex
> This is a perfectly fine solution for me, but I just wanted to know if
> @displaymath should work in @iftex.

Yes, it should work.  I've just tested it and it appears to work fine.

I must be doing something wrong.  This is what I have:
The following relationships are true:

m &= k^2 \cr
k &= \sin\alpha

@end displaymath
@end ifhtml
@math{m = k^2}

@math{k = sin(alpha)}

@end ifinfo
m &= k^2 \cr
k &= \sin\alpha

@end displaymath
@end iftex

Note that Abramowitz and Stegun uses the notation

What happens is that the pdf file complains that $ needs to be inserted at the blank line right before @displaymath inside the @iftex.

The html file displays correctly, as does the info file.

This is makeinfo 6.8.

Not a big deal.  I can use the @tex/@end tex that I was using before that worked fine.


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