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cons and different environments

From: Daniel Graupner
Subject: cons and different environments
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 17:48:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0RC1 (Windows/20041201)


is's me again 8-), seems that cons is not widely used. Will there be newer 
versions of the software?

I have a problem again and have no idea how to deal with it.

In my build tree is a Conscript similar to this:

Import qw( CONS INCLUDE LIB );

Program $CONS 'Scheduler', 'Scheduler.cpp','../classes/Scheduler.cpp','../classe
Program $CONS 'Configuration', 'Configuration.cpp', '../classes/Configuration.cp
p', '../classes/ErrorHandler.cpp';

Scheduler builds fine, to build Configuration I need the Compiler-Switch '-lxerces-c'. I tried to clone the $CONS Environment in $CONS2 with LIBS=>'-lxerces-c' . But no cons exits with the error that there are two ways to build '../classes/ErrorHandler.cpp'. OK, I know why this error appears, but I have no idea how to deal with it!

To say it in a simple way, I want to modify the cons environment without redefining it. The manual says this is not possible, but otherwise I got the above errors...

Thanks, Daniel.

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