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Re: Wizards and W3 integration (was: Re: A road map for Oort Gnus)

From: William M. Perry
Subject: Re: Wizards and W3 integration (was: Re: A road map for Oort Gnus)
Date: 17 Apr 2001 08:57:20 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.090002 (Oort Gnus v0.02) XEmacs/21.2 (Urania)

Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:

> On 17 Apr 2001, Per Abrahamsen wrote:
> > Basically, there are four proposals.
> > 
> > #1. To use HTML with embedded customize widgets and Emacs Lisp as the
> > basis for the saints.  Basically, an interactive tutorial where you
> > can set the options directly from the tutorial using embedded
> > customize widget, with the smartness (if any) programmed with embedded
> > Emacs Lisp.
> [...]
> > My preference is #1
> Could you tell why?  Basically what I don't understand is how does HTML
> come into the equation.  That is, why does it make sense to use HTML for
> such a purpose?

One reason could be for linking to other web sites with specific
information about where you are in the wizard.  The current :link stuff in
custom isn't really sufficient.  Links should be in the flow of the main
text, not at the end in a see-also section.

Unfortunately with w3 effectively orphaned until I find some time to get
the savannah pages set up and recruit some people to replace me, I think
using an XML file for the description of the steps in the wizard and an
elisp interface to draw text & links & widgets from that is the best way to


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