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Re: patch to emacsbug.el proposed..

From: D . Goel
Subject: Re: patch to emacsbug.el proposed..
Date: 01 Sep 2002 20:13:36 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

> Isn't that method easier than remembering another command to do the
> job?

the user can still always follow the older method :).  This will just
provide an additional way.

> imho, it would be nice if the system-info part of M-x
> report-emacs-bug could be separated into a nice function called, say
> insert-system-info..
> Would you envision using this interactively, or from a program?

[a] Interactively: i think i do, i would even prefer the shorter name
for the command that i suggested, "insert-system-info" and i even want
to locally bind it to a key.  Often, i am writing an email to, say,
emacs-devel or gnu.emacs.help (which was not started via
report-emacs-bug), with, say, X problems etc., and then decide that it
would be relevant to include system-info..  

[b] From a program: none (yet) that i can think of.

I think it will be nice to provide the user a way to easily insert
system-info, and help towards making "problem-reports" more
descriptive...  Just as today peole ask users to post backtrace, they
might also start asking users with X problems etc. to M-x
insert-system-info :).

Anyways, no big deal, there's always the older method :)

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