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[Fsfe-france] 17 sept. BXL Conf brevet logiciel

From: Laurence Vandewalle
Subject: [Fsfe-france] 17 sept. BXL Conf brevet logiciel
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:44:14 +0200

Wednesday 17 September 16.00 -18.30
European Parliament Brussels Room PHS 5B001

15.00   Press conference in briefing room

16:00   Introduction by Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP Chair of the Green/Efa
Group in EP

16:10   Presentation of the petition of the scientists : Dr. Paul Klint
President of the European Association of Programming Languages and Systems 

16:30   Presentation of the letter of the economists: Dr. Luc Soete,
Founder of Merit (Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation
and Technology
        Europe leads the world in Free/Open Source Software - without patents"
        Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, programme leader FLOSS and FLOSSPOLS, MERIT

16:45   European consumer's point of view: Jim Murray, Director of the BEUC

17:00   n.n. (videoconference)*

17:30   Administration that switched to open source software (Germany)
Jens Mulhaus Member City Council city of Munich

17:45   Roland Dyroff, Suse : concrete impacts on SMEs 

18:00   Debate

18:30   Conclusion


*Translation is available in all official EU languages

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15.09.03 by email with your name, address and birthdate to address@hidden in 
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