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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re:GNU/Linux, Linux Divide

From: Martyn Ranyard
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re:GNU/Linux, Linux Divide
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 10:18:17 +0100

Definately - maybe we should get the press involved (Hello Richard!) and make a modified version of the "Why Free Software is a good thing" sheet specifically for some kind of event / campaign to do something about this kind of enforced closed-OS policy.


At 12:54 AM 4/4/02 +0100, Martin Keegan wrote:
Tonight it was alleged over beer and chips that Homerton college is
requiring students with machines plugged into its residential LAN to use
only Windows or MacOS, and is demanding the equivalent of root access to
these systems. This means no GNU/Linux. I haven't verified the truth of
this allegation yet, but I'd not be surprised if it were the case. This
sort of thing is happening everywhere, and must be resisted, and that
resistance should be in an organised fashion.


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Martyn Ranyard
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