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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Just a Minute

From: Martin Keegan
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Just a Minute
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:45:08 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, MJ Ray wrote:

> You have had an answer, albeit not official.  Sorry you missed it.  Once

Yes .. I can't work out what is "official" in AFFS context. In particular,
it seems that the constituency from which the current committee was
elected has evolved.

> again, here's my take:
> AFFS will associate to FSFE.  FSFE the European equivalent of FSF.

What does "associate to" mean? Any why no direct relationship with FSF?

> AFFS would like to work together with CDR on the patent issue.  Some people
> are interested whether CDR has any links with EFF.  AFFS is sympathetic to
> EFF and CDR views but does not feel that it is best placed to tackle those
> issues without assistance.  AFFS is also talking to FFII about patents.

Resource-wise, CDR has only had time to invest in copyright research (by
"time to invest" I mean a very small number of individuals such as myself
working part-time for a few months to allow themselves to read up on the
issues.  I really can bore for Britain on copyright now); CDR doesn't
really have anything like the same depth on the issue of software patents,
but I suspect the CDR constituency is generally against them. 

CDR links with EFF - we have informal contacts with EFF and FSF. EFF has
sent some amusing trouble our way :) [Sony's lawyers briefly tried to
come after us for damages - yay!]

> What other orgs are you interested in?

EFF, FIPR, and any European EFF-alike.

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