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shs.el v. 0.0

From: D Goel
Subject: shs.el v. 0.0
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 21:41:16 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

 shs.el --- facilitate SHell Scripting through Emacs. 

 (sh.el, posted here a few days ago has been renamed to shs.el
since there exists another sh.el).

shs stands for SHell-Scripting.

I am an utter novice at shell scripting, so suggestions and comments
are most welcome, and please forgive any mistakes in shs. shs aims to
facilitate free mixing of elisp with bash: free calls to elisp code
from bash shell scripts and calls to other bash scripts from that
elisp code, which may again call elisp code and so on, all the while
doing the right things as regards bash's error codes, stderr, stdout,

Moreover, one shouldn't need to exit emacs just to pipe one emacs
script's call to another.

Finally, ideally, that elisp code should also be able to run
independently of bash in running emacsen.  All that's what shs hopes
to faciliatate.   

INSTALLATION: Just add shs.el somewhere in your emacs' load-path.

For a shell scripting  example, (you do need EmacsCVS)

Drop shs.el and the two attached files to a ~/location that is present
both in your emacs' loadpath as well as bash's PATH. Create a
~/.emacs.script with these contents: 

 (add-to-list 'load-path "~/location")

Then, from bash, run shs-example, for a tutorial (I am still learning)
on shell-scripting through Emacs.

For script examples to work, you do need emacscvs installed in (or
linked to from) /usr/local/bin/emacscvs.

The latest version can be had from .
;;;---------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------

;;; shs.el --- facilitate SHell Scripting through Emacs. 
;; Time-stamp: <2005-01-15 21:14:01 deego>
;; Copyright (C) 2005 D. Goel
;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
;; Filename: shs.el
;; Package: shs
;; Author: D. Goel <address@hidden>
;; Keywords:
;; Version:  0.0
;; URL:
;; For latest version:

(defconst shs-home-page

;; Copyright (C) 2005 D. Goel

;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;; sh.el, posted here a few days ago has been renamed to shs.el since
;; there exists another sh.el -- shs stands for SHell-Script.

;; SHS: Shs aims to facilitate free mixing of elisp with bash: free
;; calls to elisp code from bash shell scripts and calls to other bash
;; scripts from that elisp code, which may again call elisp code and
;; so on, all the while doing the right things as regards bash's error
;; codes, stderr, stdout, etc.

;; Moreover, one shouldn't need to exit emacs just to pipe one emacs
;; script's call to another.

;; Finally, elisp code should also be able to run independently of
;; bash in running emacsen.

;; Provides basic setup for emacs scripting. To the beginning of all
;; emacs shell-scripts, don't forget to add (add-to-list 'load-path
;; directory) and (require 'shs).  Use shs as a convenient way to call
;; shell-commands from the script.  Provides a tutorial on elisp-based
;; shell-scripting.

(require 'cl)

;; The most common functions to use are: shs-shell and shs-wrap.

;; Best way to call shells: shs-shell-command. 
;; Best way to show messages: shs-message.

;; Your code should automatically run fine, both in shellscripts as
;; well as emacs:

;; The easiest way to pass messages would be to (message) or
;; (princ). However, that makes it somewhat meaningless in running
;; emacs, so prefer using (shs-message) instead.  When using
;; shs-message in running Emacs, all these messages go to *SHS*
;; buffer, which you'll finally want to switch to and see. 

;; See also:

;; Quick start:
(defconst shs-quick-start

(defun shs-quick-start ()
  "Provides electric help from variable `shs-quick-start'."
   '(lambda () (insert shs-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))

;;; Introduction:
;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources
;; as introduction
(defconst shs-introduction
  " \(sh.el, posted here a few days ago has been renamed to shs.el
since there exists another sh.el).

shs stands for SHell-Scripting.

I am an utter novice at shell scripting, so suggestions and comments
are most welcome, and please forgive any mistakes in shs. shs aims to
facilitate free mixing of elisp with bash: free calls to elisp code
from bash shell scripts and calls to other bash scripts from that
elisp code, which may again call elisp code and so on, all the while
doing the right things as regards bash's error codes, stderr, stdout,

Moreover, one shouldn't need to exit emacs just to pipe one emacs
script's call to another.

Finally, ideally, that elisp code should also be able to run
independently of bash in running emacsen.  All that's what shs hopes
to faciliatate.   

INSTALLATION: Just add shs.el somewhere in your emacs' load-path.

For a shell scripting  example, (you do need EmacsCVS)

Drop shs.el and the two attached files to a ~/location that is present
both in your emacs' loadpath as well as bash's PATH. Create a
~/.emacs.script with these contents: 

 (add-to-list 'load-path \"~/location\")

Then, from bash, run shs-example, for a tutorial (I am still learning)
on shell-scripting through Emacs.

For script examples to work, you do need emacscvs installed in (or
linked to from) /usr/local/bin/emacscvs.


(defun shs-introduction ()
  "Provides electric help from variable `shs-introduction'."
   '(lambda () (insert shs-introduction) nil) "*doc*"))

;;; New features:
(defconst shs-new-features

(defun shs-new-features ()
  "Provides electric help from variable `shs-new-features'."
   '(lambda () (insert shs-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))

(defconst shs-version "0.0")

;; Real Code

;; Always make your function
(defmacro shs-exit-code-1 (&rest body)
  "Normally, if the script errors somewhere, emacs will immediately
exit with an error code of 255, which is already the right thing to
do.  If for some reason, you want a different error code, you can wrap
this macro around your lisp code."
  (let ((err (gensym)))
    `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
        (shsm "Error: %S" (error-message-string ,err))
        (kill-emacs 1)))))

(defun shs-shell-command-with-code (&rest args)
  "Shell commands from a running script, exit on errors. 

NOT suitable for asynchronous shell commands.  If everything ok,
then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else cause an
error.. That error will cause an exit when running from scripts. "
  (let ((code (apply 'shell-command args)))
     ((equal code 0)
      (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
        ;;(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
        (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
     (t (kill-emacs code)))))

(defalias 'shs-shell-exit 'shs-shell-command-with-exit)

(defun shs-shell-command (&rest args)
  "Shell commands from a running script, exit on errors. 

NOT suitable for asynchronous shell commands.  If everything ok,
then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else
exit emacs with the same exit code. 
  (let ((code (apply 'shell-command args)))
     ((equal code 0)
      (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
        ;;(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
        (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
     (t (error "Error code: %S when trying %S" code args)))))

(defalias 'shs-shell 'shs-shell-command)

(defun shs-shell-command-with-error (&rest args)
  "Shell commands from a running script, exit on errors. 

NOT suitable for asynchronous shell commands.  If everything ok,
then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else
exit emacs with the same exit code. 
  (let ((code (apply 'shell-command args)))
     ((equal code 0)
      (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
        ;;(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
        (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
     (t (error (format "Bash Error code: %S" code))))))

(defvar shs-buffer "*SHS*")
(get-buffer-create shs-buffer)

(defvar shs-message-sit-for 0.1
  "Matters only when called within emacs. ")

(defun shs-message (&rest args)
    (apply 'message  args))
      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create shs-buffer))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n")
      (insert (apply 'format args))
       (apply 'format args) 
       ;;"Note: This message is saved in the *SHS* and *messages*
      (sit-for shs-message-sit-for)))))

(defalias 'shs-msg 'shs-message)
(defalias 'shsm 'shs-message)


(defalias 'shs-shell-error 'shs-shell-command-with-error)

(defun shs-display-buffer ()
  (display-buffer shs-buffer)
  (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer shs-buffer)
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (set-buffer cur)))

(defvar shs-bye-hook (list 'shs-display-buffer))

(defun shs-bye ()
  (run-hooks 'shs-bye-hook)

(defun shs-clear-buffer ()
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create shs-buffer))

(defvar shs-start-hook (list 'shs-clear-buffer))
(defun shs-start ()
  "For use when using shs from eshell. "
  (run-hooks 'shs-start-hook))

(defvar shs-within-p nil
  "When non-nil, start and end-hooks are NOT executed..  May be useful
to set via the `shs-within' macro one \"top-level\" shs function is
calling another..
In the default setting, this matters only when shs functions are used
from within emacs")

(defmacro shs-within (&rest args)
  `(let ((shs-within-p t))
     (progn ,@args)))

(provide 'shs)

Attachment: shs-example
Description: Binary data

Attachment: shs-example-fn.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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