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woof.el - exchange files easily between different hosts

From: Stefan Reichör
Subject: woof.el - exchange files easily between different hosts
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 21:22:46 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

;; The problem:
;; You work on different computers and you want to send files or
;; the selected text to other hosts.

;; The solution:
;; woof (Web Offer One File):
;; woof is a small webserver that serves a given file
;; you can download the file on a different host from this webserver

;; woof.el integrates the woof script in your emacs work-flow:
;; You can easily provide a file to download (M-x woof-provide-file)
;; And it is also easy to receive such a file on a different host
;; (M-x woof-receive or C-u M-x woof-receive)

;; woof.el needs the woof script from:

;; woof.el also needs wget
;; It should work on linux systems, I have also added some hacks to make 
;; it work on cygwin.

;;; woof.el --- Emacs interface to exchange files on different computers via 

;; Copyright (C) 2007 by Stefan Reichoer

;; Author: Stefan Reichoer, <address@hidden>

;; woof.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; woof.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; The problem:
;; You work on different computers and you want to send files or
;; the selected text to other hosts.

;; The solution:
;; woof (Web Offer One File):
;; woof is a small webserver that serves a given file
;; you can download the file on a different host from this webserver

;; woof.el integrates the woof script in your emacs work-flow:
;; You can easily provide a file to download (M-x woof-provide-file)
;; And it is also easy to receive such a file on a different host
;; (M-x woof-receive or C-u M-x woof-receive)

;; woof.el needs the woof script from:

;; woof.el also needs wget
;; It should work on linux systems, I have also added some hacks to make it 
work on cygwin.

;; The latest version of woof.el can be found at:

;; Usage:
;; put the following in your .emacs:
;; (require 'woof)

;; (setq woof-download-url-list '(""; 
;; (global-set-key [<your key here>] 'woof-provide-dwim)
;; (global-set-key [<your key here>] 'woof-receive)

;; If you are using cygwin, you probably need the following also:
;; (setq woof-wget-cmd "c:/cygwin/bin/wget")
;; (setq woof-cmd "c:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/woof")

;; Please contact me, if you find woof.el useful, or if you have ideas for 

;;; History:

;;; Code:

(defvar woof-cmd "woof")
(defvar woof-wget-cmd "wget")

(defvar woof-download-url-list nil)

(defvar woof-use-cygwin (eq system-type 'windows-nt))

;;; Internal variables
(defvar woof-process-buffer-name "*woof*")
(defvar woof-wget-process-buffer-name "*woof-wget*")
(defvar woof-clip-file-name "woof.el-Clipboard")

(defvar woof-download-url nil)

(defvar woof-last-provided-file nil)
(defvar woof-last-provided-message nil)

(defun woof-provide-dwim ()
  "When mark is active, send the selected region, otherwise the current file.
When woof is still serving a file, ask if this server should be killed."
  (when woof-last-provided-message
    (when (y-or-n-p (format "woof is still serving '%s' - kill this server? " 
      (sit-for 0.5)))
  (cond (mark-active
         (woof-provide-clip (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) 
        ((member major-mode '(dired-mode locate-mode))
         (woof-provide-file (dired-get-filename)))
         (woof-provide-file (buffer-file-name)))))

(defun woof-provide-file (file-name)
  "Provide a file to download via woof."
  (interactive "fProvide File via woof: ")
  (let ((full-cmd
         (if woof-use-cygwin
             (let* ((cygwin-bin-path "c:/cygwin/bin")
                    (sh-cmd (format "%s/sh -c" cygwin-bin-path))
                    (python-cmd (format "%s/python" cygwin-bin-path))
                    (cyg-file-name (dired-replace-in-string "c:/" 
"/cygdrive/c/" file-name))
                    (cmd (format "%s %s" sh-cmd (shell-quote-argument
                                                 (format "%s %s %s" python-cmd 
woof-cmd cyg-file-name)))))
           (format "%s %s" woof-cmd file-name))))
    (let ((woof-proc (start-process-shell-command "woof" 
woof-process-buffer-name full-cmd)))
      (setq woof-last-provided-file (expand-file-name file-name))
      (setq woof-last-provided-message file-name)
      (set-process-sentinel woof-proc 'woof-process-sentinel)
      (set-process-filter woof-proc 'woof-process-filter))))

(defun woof-provide-clip (clip-text)
  "Provide a string to download via woof.
This string is saved in a file named `woof-clip-file-name'.
If the receiver also uses woof.el, the received data is immediately copied to 
the kill-ring."
  (interactive "sProvide string via woof: ")
  (let ((clip-file-name woof-clip-file-name))
    (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect clip-file-name)
      (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
      (insert clip-text)
      (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
    (woof-provide-file clip-file-name)
    (setq woof-last-provided-message "<clip>")))

(defun woof-provide-cancel ()
  "Cancel the serving of a provided file"
  (kill-buffer (get-buffer woof-process-buffer-name)))

(defun woof-process-filter (process str)
    (set-buffer woof-process-buffer-name)
    (let ((start-position (point-max)))
      ;;(message "woof-process-filter: %s" str)
      (goto-char start-position)
      (insert str)
        (goto-char start-position)
        (when (looking-at "Now serving on \\(.+\\)")
          (message "woof: Now serving '%s' on '%s'" woof-last-provided-message 
(match-string 1))
          (setq woof-provide-url (match-string 1)))))))

(defun woof-process-sentinel (process event)
  ;;(princ (format "Process: %s had the event `%s'" process event))
  (setq woof-last-provided-message nil)
  (cond ((string= event "finished\n")
         (if (string= (file-name-nondirectory woof-last-provided-file)
                      (file-name-nondirectory woof-clip-file-name))
               (when (file-exists-p woof-last-provided-file)
                 (delete-file woof-last-provided-file))
               (message "woof: serving region content done"))
           (message "woof: serving '%s' finished" woof-last-provided-file)))
        ((string= event "killed\n")
         (message "woof process killed"))
        ((string= event "hangup\n")
         (message "woof process hangup"))
        ((string-match "exited abnormally" event)
         (while (accept-process-output process 0 100))
         ;; find last error message and show it.
         (goto-char (point-max))
         (message "woof failed: %s" (dired-replace-in-string "\n" "" event)))
         (message "woof process had unknown event: %s" event))))

;; woof wget download interface

(defun woof-select-dowload-url ()
  "Select the default download Url for `woof-receive' calls."
  (setq woof-download-url (ido-completing-read "Select woof download Url: " 

(defun woof-receive (arg)
  "Download via wget from the given url in `woof-download-url'.
When called with a prefix argument, select the download url first via 
  (interactive "P")
  (when arg
  (woof-wget-run (format "%s -nv %s" woof-wget-cmd (or woof-download-url (car 

(defun woof-wget-run (cmd)
  (setq woof-download-file nil)
  (let ((woof-proc (start-process-shell-command "woof-wget" 
woof-wget-process-buffer-name cmd))
        (directory default-directory))
    (with-current-buffer woof-wget-process-buffer-name
      (setq default-directory directory)) ;;seems to be needed on windows
    (set-process-sentinel woof-proc 'woof-wget-process-sentinel)
    (set-process-filter woof-proc 'woof-wget-process-filter)))

(defun woof-wget-process-filter (process str)
    (set-buffer woof-wget-process-buffer-name)
    (let ((start-position (point-max)))
      ;;(message "woof-process-filter: %s" str)
      (goto-char start-position)
      (insert str)
        (goto-char start-position)
        ;; 10:42:26 URL: [4124/4124] -> 
"woof.el" [1]
        (when (looking-at ".+ -> \"\\(.+\\)\"")
          (setq woof-download-file (expand-file-name (match-string 1))))))))

(defun woof-wget-process-sentinel (process event)
  ;;(princ (format "Process: %s had the event `%s'" process event))
  (cond ((string= event "finished\n")
         (if (string= (file-name-nondirectory woof-download-file)
                      (file-name-nondirectory woof-clip-file-name))
             (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect woof-download-file)
               (kill-new (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
               (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
               (delete-file woof-download-file)
               (message "woof: Copied received data to clipboard"))
           (message "woof-wget downloaded: %s" woof-download-file)))
        ((string= event "killed\n")
         (message "woof-wget process killed"))
        ((string= event "hangup\n")
         (message "woof-wget process hangup"))
        ((string-match "exited abnormally" event)
         (message "woof-wget failed: %s, %s probably not serving"
                  (dired-replace-in-string "\n" "" event) (or woof-download-url 
(car woof-download-url-list))))
         (message "woof-wget process had unknown event: %s" event))))

(provide 'woof)

;;; arch-tag: f3b53108-383c-49a7-a70f-3c8a7fa6b27c
;;; woof.el ends here

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