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Re: ;;; anything.el --- open anything

From: billclem
Subject: Re: ;;; anything.el --- open anything
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 07:22:29 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

Hi Tamas,

"address@hidden" <address@hidden> writes:
> On Aug 1, 10:06 pm, address@hidden wrote:
>> Is there some reason why the following 2 bindings aren't part of
>> anything-map:
>>     (define-key map (kbd "M-v") 'anything-previous-page)
>>     (define-key map (kbd "C-v") 'anything-next-page)
> The only reason is I saw no need, since it's very easy to customize
> the keyboard bindings.

I dislike having things in my .emacs file if I don't need to have them
there. Since there are default key bindings provided in anything.el, I
thought it would be nice to have C-v & M-v bound by default to
next/previous page (since that is an emacs default and something that
most emacs users would probably expect anyhow). It's no big deal for
me to add them to my .emacs file but if many people are going to have
to do the exact same mappings, wouldn't it make sense to make them
default mappings?

> I don't use the default bindings either and I don't expect others to
> do so. People should tune them to their needs, similarly to anything
> sources, because there is no single default which would appeal to most
> users considering some use iswitchb and some doesn't and even those
> who do use it may or may not use anything-iswitchb-dont-touch-iswithcb-
> keys, etc.

True that people should create their own custom bindings if they want
them; however, I think it's convenient to have logical defaults setup
as well. And, C-v & M-v are standard emacs bindings and IMO should be
defaults in anything.el.

> Actually, the thought already occurred to me anything-config could
> also offer custom keyboard configurations. For example, you could
> submit a configuration to Tassilo for people who prefer the standard
> Emacs bindings and don't use iswitchb, so they don't care if some of
> the bindings override iswitchb functions, because they don't use it.
> Similarly, other alternative keyboard configurations could also be
> offered and people simply would pick what they prefer.
> For example, I use a configuration which respects anything-iswitchb-
> dont-touch-iswithcb-keys,  so I can use the standard iswitchb
> bindings, but override those bindings which I don't use in iswitchb.
>> I would also like to have the default bindings for "C-n" & "C-p" in
>> anything-map; however, I guess there's a conflict with binding "C-n"
>> since iswitchb binds it. However, "C-v" & "M-v" should be ok to bind.
>> If there's no good reason not to bind them, could you please add them
>> to anything-map?
> Well, let's see first what Tassilo thinks about the idea above. I
> don't want to tweak anything.el for stuff which is a matter of
> personal taste and people can easily configure it for themselves.
>  (BTW, M-v won't work for people using iswitchb, for example, so it
> won't do any good for them, that's why I don't like to touch
> anything.el for things like this).

Is M-v bound to something in iswitchb? I had a look but didn't see any
binding in the iswitchb source.

Again, this is no big deal, but I would prefer to not have to bind the
keys myself if I don't have to.

- Bill

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