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Re: register-list.el --- Interactively list/edit registers

From: Marc Tfardy
Subject: Re: register-list.el --- Interactively list/edit registers
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:08:57 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Bastien schrieb:
I'm releasing register-list.el v0.1.

You can find the last version here:

Since I'm always storing strings and rectangles and keep the same
registers acrss several sessions, I find myself with registers that I
don't know about.  This libray provides facilities to list them and to
edit their values.  It comes with a handy mode for editing rectangles.

Thanks for intersting tool, but it is not realy working.

I get an "Wrong type argument: stringp" error when I store
a number or rectange into register and call rectangle-list.

From your register-list.el:

> ;; Put this file into your load-path and the following into your
> ~/.emacs:
> ;;   (require 'register-edit)

This ist wrong. Not:
  (require 'register-edit)

(require 'register-list)



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