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auto-complete-auctex (LaTeX with auctex and auto-complete)

From: Guy
Subject: auto-complete-auctex (LaTeX with auctex and auto-complete)
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:04:52 -0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20110906 Thunderbird/6.0.2


This is the last version of a package very very useful (for me) for writing LaTeX files.

it's name is now : auto-complete-latex because it is written with the help of this two emacs packages.

It gives completion via menus for environments, macros and (now) mathematicals symbols.

for exemple if you type "enu" all the environments (even yours) macros and symbols with names begenning with this three letters appear in a menu for completion.

if it it a macro the slash is inserted with the name choiced in the menu.
if it is a mathematical symbol and if neccessary the mathmatical environment (or it is inserted between $) is ajouted.

to use it in your convienience you must customize some variables of auto-complete.

Happy TeXing to all,

Guy Yétérian


;;; auto-complete-auctex  --- auto-complete for LaTeX auctex

;; Copyright (C) 2010 Guy Yeterian gyecmonet <@> free <dot> fr

;; Author: Guy Yeterian
;; Maintainer: the author
;; Created: 07 Aug 2010
;; Version: 1.0
;; version  1.8 Jun 2011
;; version  1.9 Aug 2011
;; Keywords: auctex auto-complete

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
;; program's author (send electronic mail to
;;  or from the Free Software Foundation,
;; Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; LCD Archive Entry:
;; ac-latex|rockymyroot|address@hidden
;; |auto-complete for LaTeX auctex
;; |$Date$|$Revision$|~/packages/ac-latex.el

;;; Installation
;; This is a very useful package to write LaTeX documents with aucTeX and auto-complete
;;  To use this package you must install aucTeX and auto-complete packages.
;;  Just add to the .emacs file:
;;     (autoload 'ac-latex-setup "auto-complete-latex" "ac and aucTeX" t)
;;     (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda() (ac-latex-setup)))
;; when you type 'enu' you must see all (even yours) laTeX-environments and TeX-macros that
;;  begins with this words.
;; Because of the use of auto-complete package you must customize this for yours needs.
;;  In particular  see ac-delay,  ac-auto-show-menu and ac-quick-help-delay.

;;; Commentary:
;;  Free softwards are great and make me happy.
;; Many thanks to Richard Stallman for free softward concept and for emacs.
;;  Many thanks for the aucTeX group.
;;  Many thanks for auto-complete author Tomohiro Matsuyama.

;;; Change log:
;; $Log$

;;; Code:
(provide 'auto-complete-auctex)

(require 'tex)
(require 'latex)

  (require 'auto-complete))
  ;;(require 'popup-pos-tip))

;; some custome and globals functions

(defface ac-latex-candidate-face
  '((t (:background "LemonChiffon1" :foreground "black")))
  "Face for LaTeX candidate."
  :group 'LaTeX)

(defface ac-latex-selection-face
  '((t (:background "goldenrod" :foreground "black")))
  "Face for the LaTeX selected candidate."
  :group 'LaTeX)

;; add LaTeX-mode to ac-modes
(setq ac-modes (append '(LaTeX-mode latex-mode) ac-modes))

(defvar candidate nil
  "Just for the Elisp compiler not complain")

(defun my-LaTeX-math-insert (s dollar)
  "Insert s with dollar if necessary"
  (when dollar (insert "$"))
  (funcall LaTeX-math-insert-function s)
  (if dollar
        (let ((d (point)))
          (re-search-forward "[{.*}]*\}" (+ (point) 10) t)
          (insert "$")
          (goto-char d))))
  ) ;; end my-LaTeX-math-insert

;; Function to insert TeX-macro
(defun ac-symbols-insert (s)
  "Insert math symbol s with dollar if necessary"
  (let ((dollar (if (texmathp)
    (my-LaTeX-math-insert s dollar)
    )) ;; ac-symbols-insert

;;; TeX-macros source and action

(defun ac-source-latex-macros ()
   (let ((comlist (if TeX-symbol-list
                     (mapcar (lambda (x)
                       (if (listp x)
                           (car x)
                       (mapcar 'car TeX-symbol-list)))))
    (all-completions ac-prefix comlist))) ;; ac-latex-source-commandes

;; end globas functions

;;; action on macros
(defun action-auctex-macro ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (LaTeX-math-insert candidate nil)
  ) ;; action-auctex-commande

(ac-define-source  LaTeX-macros
  '((init . TeX-symbol-list)
    (candidates . ac-source-latex-macros)
    (document . TeXdoc)
    ;(depends . '(LaTeX-mode  auto-complete-mode))
    (action . action-auctex-macro)
    (requires . 2)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (symbol . "m")));; LaTeX-macros

;; end TeX macros

;; ac-latex-symbols with LaTeX-math-mode
(defvar ac-symbols-auctex
  (mapcar 'cadr LaTeX-math-default))

(defvar ac-symbols-list
  (mapcar 'cdr LaTeX-math-default))

;; candidate
(defun ac-symbols-candidate ()
  "List of math symbol"
  (all-completions ac-prefix ac-symbols-auctex))

;; action

(defun ac-symbols-action ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (ac-symbols-insert candidate))

;; some documentation
(defun ac-symbols-doc (c)
  "Some help for the candidate"
  (let* ((cl (assoc c ac-symbols-list))
         (decode (if (nth 2 cl) (char-to-string (decode-char 'ucs (nth 2 cl))) 
         (st (nth 1 cl))
         (hs (if (listp st)(mapconcat 'identity st " ")st))
         (help (concat hs " == " decode))
  ) ;;  ac-symbols-doc

(defun LaTeX-math-mode-on ()
  (LaTeX-math-mode 1))

(ac-define-source LaTeX-symbols
  '((init . LaTeX-math-mode-on)
    (candidates . ac-symbols-candidate)
    (document . ac-symbols-doc)
    (action . ac-symbols-action)
    (requires . 1)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (symbol . "s")
  ) ;; LaTeX-symbols

;; ac-sources-LaTeX-symbols

;;;  LaTeX-environmants source and action

(defun ac-source-latex-environments ()
    (let ((envlist (mapcar 'car LaTeX-environment-list))

    (all-completions ac-prefix envlist))
  ) ;; ac-latex-source-environments

;; action pour les environments
(defun action-auctex-environment ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (LaTeX-environment-menu candidate)
  ) ;; action-auctex-environment

(ac-define-source LaTeX-environments
  '((init . LaTeX-environment-list)
    (candidates . ac-source-latex-environments)
    (document .  TeXdoc)
    (action .  action-auctex-environment)
    (requires . 2)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (symbol . "e")))

;;; end LaTeX environments source and action

;; some help if you work with TeXlive
;; you can change it if too long. F1 give help immediateley
;; this work with TeXlive
(setq ac-quick-help-delay 4.5)

;; work with TeXlive
(defun TeXdoc (item)
  (TeX-doc item))
 ;; end of TeXdoc

;; setup  you call ac-latex-setup with LaTeX-mode-hook
(defun ac-latex-setup ()
  (setq ac-sources (append
                        ac-source-LaTeX-macros ac-source-LaTeX-environments)
;;; auto-complete-auctex  --- auto-complete for LaTeX auctex

;; Copyright (C) 2010 Guy Yeterian gyecmonet <@> free <dot> fr

;; Author: Guy Yeterian
;; Maintainer: the author
;; Created: 07 Aug 2010
;; Version: 1.0
;; version  1.8 Jun 2011
;; version  1.9 Aug 2011
;; Keywords: auctex auto-complete

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
;; program's author (send electronic mail to
;; address@hidden) or from the Free Software Foundation,
;; Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; LCD Archive Entry:
;; ac-latex|rockymyroot|address@hidden
;; |auto-complete for LaTeX auctex
;; |$Date$|$Revision$|~/packages/ac-latex.el

;;; Installation
;; This is a very useful package to write LaTeX documents with aucTeX and auto-complete
;;  To use this package you must install aucTeX and auto-complete packages.
;;  Just add to the .emacs file:
;;     (autoload 'ac-latex-setup "auto-complete-latex" "ac and aucTeX" t)
;;     (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda() (ac-latex-setup)))
;; when you type 'enu' you must see all (even yours) laTeX-environments and TeX-macros that
;;  begins with this words.
;; Because of the use of auto-complete package you must customize this for yours needs.
;;  In particular  see ac-delay,  ac-auto-show-menu and ac-quick-help-delay.

;;; Commentary:
;;  Free softwards are great and make me happy.
;; Many thanks to Richard Stallman for free softward concept and for emacs.
;;  Many thanks for the aucTeX group.
;;  Many thanks for auto-complete author Tomohiro Matsuyama.

;;; Change log:
;; $Log$

;;; Code:
(provide 'auto-complete-auctex)

(require 'tex)
(require 'latex)

  (require 'auto-complete))
  ;;(require 'popup-pos-tip))

;; some custome and globals functions

(defface ac-latex-candidate-face
  '((t (:background "LemonChiffon1" :foreground "black")))
  "Face for LaTeX candidate."
  :group 'LaTeX)

(defface ac-latex-selection-face
  '((t (:background "goldenrod" :foreground "black")))
  "Face for the LaTeX selected candidate."
  :group 'LaTeX)

;; add LaTeX-mode to ac-modes
(setq ac-modes (append '(LaTeX-mode latex-mode) ac-modes))

(defvar candidate nil
  "Just for the Elisp compiler not complain")

(defun my-LaTeX-math-insert (s dollar)
  "Insert s with dollar if necessary"
  (when dollar (insert "$"))
  (funcall LaTeX-math-insert-function s)
  (if dollar
        (let ((d (point)))
          (re-search-forward "[{.*}]*\}" (+ (point) 10) t)
          (insert "$")
          (goto-char d))))
  ) ;; end my-LaTeX-math-insert

;; Function to insert TeX-macro
(defun ac-symbols-insert (s)
  "Insert math symbol s with dollar if necessary"
  (let ((dollar (if (texmathp)
    (my-LaTeX-math-insert s dollar)
    )) ;; ac-symbols-insert

;;; TeX-macros source and action

(defun ac-source-latex-macros ()
   (let ((comlist (if TeX-symbol-list
                     (mapcar (lambda (x)
                       (if (listp x)
                           (car x)
                       (mapcar 'car TeX-symbol-list)))))
    (all-completions ac-prefix comlist))) ;; ac-latex-source-commandes

;; end globas functions

;;; action on macros
(defun action-auctex-macro ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (LaTeX-math-insert candidate nil)
  ) ;; action-auctex-commande

(ac-define-source  LaTeX-macros
  '((init . TeX-symbol-list)
    (candidates . ac-source-latex-macros)
    (document . TeXdoc)
    ;(depends . '(LaTeX-mode  auto-complete-mode))
    (action . action-auctex-macro)
    (requires . 2)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (symbol . "m")));; LaTeX-macros

;; end TeX macros

;; ac-latex-symbols with LaTeX-math-mode
(defvar ac-symbols-auctex
  (mapcar 'cadr LaTeX-math-default))

(defvar ac-symbols-list
  (mapcar 'cdr LaTeX-math-default))

;; candidate
(defun ac-symbols-candidate ()
  "List of math symbol"
  (all-completions ac-prefix ac-symbols-auctex))

;; action

(defun ac-symbols-action ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (ac-symbols-insert candidate))

;; some documentation
(defun ac-symbols-doc (c)
  "Some help for the candidate"
  (let* ((cl (assoc c ac-symbols-list))
         (decode (if (nth 2 cl) (char-to-string (decode-char 'ucs (nth 2 cl))) 
         (st (nth 1 cl))
         (hs (if (listp st)(mapconcat 'identity st " ")st))
         (help (concat hs " == " decode))
  ) ;;  ac-symbols-doc

(defun LaTeX-math-mode-on ()
  (LaTeX-math-mode 1))

(ac-define-source LaTeX-symbols
  '((init . LaTeX-math-mode-on)
    (candidates . ac-symbols-candidate)
    (document . ac-symbols-doc)
    (action . ac-symbols-action)
    (requires . 1)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (symbol . "s")
  ) ;; LaTeX-symbols

;; ac-sources-LaTeX-symbols

;;;  LaTeX-environmants source and action

(defun ac-source-latex-environments ()
    (let ((envlist (mapcar 'car LaTeX-environment-list))

    (all-completions ac-prefix envlist))
  ) ;; ac-latex-source-environments

;; action pour les environments
(defun action-auctex-environment ()
  (re-search-backward candidate)
  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
  (LaTeX-environment-menu candidate)
  ) ;; action-auctex-environment

(ac-define-source LaTeX-environments
  '((init . LaTeX-environment-list)
    (candidates . ac-source-latex-environments)
    (document .  TeXdoc)
    (action .  action-auctex-environment)
    (requires . 2)
    (selection-face . ac-latex-selection-face)
    (candidate-face . ac-latex-candidate-face)
    (symbol . "e")))

;;; end LaTeX environments source and action

;; some help if you work with TeXlive
;; you can change it if too long. F1 give help immediateley
;; this work with TeXlive
(setq ac-quick-help-delay 4.5)

;; work with TeXlive
(defun TeXdoc (item)
  (TeX-doc item))
 ;; end of TeXdoc

;; setup  you call ac-latex-setup with LaTeX-mode-hook
(defun ac-latex-setup ()
  (setq ac-sources (append
                        ac-source-LaTeX-macros ac-source-LaTeX-environments)

(provide 'auto-complete-auctex)
;;;  end of auto-complete-package

(provide 'auto-complete-auctex)
;;;  end of auto-complete-package

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