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Iedit 0.95 -- Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously

From: victor
Subject: Iedit 0.95 -- Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:05:00 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0


I am glad to announce the new Iedit package release.  Several
enhancements had been made since last post here.

 - Renaming refactoring is more convenient

 - A lot of operation on the whole occurrences are added

 - A *Visual Rectangle" support is added.

You can obtain it here: or

This package is an Emacs minor mode and allows you to edit one
occurrence of some text in a buffer or region, and simultaneously have
other occurrences edited in the same way, with visual feedback as you

Normal scenario of Iedit mode is like:

 - Highlight certain contents - by press C-;

   All occurrences of a symbol, string or a rectangle in the buffer or
   region may be highlighted corresponding to current mark, point and
   prefix argument. Refer to the document of `iedit-mode' for details.

 - Edit one of the occurrences
   The change is applied to other occurrences simultaneously.

 - Finish - by pressing C-; again

This package also provides rectangle support with *visible rectangle*
highlighting, which is similar with cua mode rectangle support, but
still quite different.

You can also use Iedit mode as a quick way to temporarily show only
buffer lines that match the current text being edited.  This gives you
the effect of a temporary `keep-lines' or `occur'.  To get this
hit C-' when in Iedit mode - it toggles hiding non-matching lines.

Renaming refactoring is convinient in Iedit mode

 - The symbol under point is selected as occurrence by default and
   complete symbols are matched

 - With digit prefix argument 0, only symbols in current function are

 - Restricting symbols in current region can be done by pressing C-;

 - Last renaming refactoring is remembered and can be applied to other
   buffers later

Victor Ren

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