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fpscalc mode

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: fpscalc mode
Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 00:45:23 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

OK, I'll just yank the README file - but, check out the
screenshots (URLs *last*) if you are impatient: probably
they will tell you as much as this entire document.

If you, from a point of more experience than mine, have
comments how to improve the mode, please share, but
don't forget to write one or two lines as to *why* that
would benefit the mode. If I can't see the
difference/improvement, I won't change anything.

Also, my university web site is perhaps not the best
place to store it. They already closed one of my sites,
although that was a general service revocation. Anyway,
if you know of a better place to stash this material, do

 fpscalc in Emacs
   by Emanuel Berg
   updated: 03.30, Friday, 04/10, October 2013

*First* update:

This is an Emacs major mode [1] to be used with the
tool fpscalc [2]; specifically, to edit the kind of
in-data .fps files [3] crunched by fpscalc.

Have a look at the dump to get a feeling what it is
all about [4].

The mode includes:

1. A very ambitious font lock (or syntax highlight) -
   it looks like a circus at first, but once you get
   used to it, it is very useful. (I didn't use the
   font-lock faces because I want everything to be
   configurable on a per-mode/-application/whatever

2. The familiar (un)comment (DWIM) key: M-;

3. Indentation (very easy - I just used the C mode
   ditto - but nonetheless, it is there) [This is not
   so anymore. The C mode inheritance is dropped, and
   indentation is setup explicitly. Read on.]

4. A defun ("compute") to run fpscalc with the .fps
   program that is currently being edited in Emacs *as
   input*; then, have Emacs show the result in a new
   buffer. By default, do this with C-c C-c. This is
   more or less the same as doing it in a shell, only
   it might be a tiny bit faster not having to leave

5. The mode is associated with the ".fps" extension.

*Second* update:

In the first incarnation, to get indentation, I derived
the fpscalc mode from the C mode. Because the syntaxes
are so close, I thought that would work. And it
did.... except for the M-; "!"  comment. Such comments
could be *inserted* on M-;, but not *removed*, instead,
I got another comment layer (just like the nested
quotes in messages).

Also, comments broke indentation.

So, I dropped the C mode, and the comments worked both

Last, I used some material I found on the web to get
indentation. (The code below is very close to what I

(You have to have indentation. "May I indent your
code?" is still the worst hacker insult in the book, a
book that by now has quite a heft... Seriously, it
stinks without indentation: half the time you just
match lines.)

Also, I made an example in LaTeX how to create
diagrams, that can be used in connection with fpscalc,
to illustrate task flows. Check out dumps, source,
etc. here: [5].

(I write this, as this might be Googled for fpscalc,
and lots of poor students, held at starvation point by
the pitch-dark computer industry, might benefit from
both the Emacs mode, and the diagram LaTeX skeleton

Last, writing such LaTeX code, there are lines like


used to produce the timeline. As you can see, to make
it work, each digit has to be preceded by as many
commas. To not have to insert those manually, I wrote
some Elisp to do the job:

(defun insert-times-helper (times last)
  (if times
      (let*((next             (car times))
            (rest             (cdr times))
            (number-of-commas (- next last) ))
        (dotimes (dummy number-of-commas) (insert ","))
        (insert (int-to-string next))
        (insert-times-helper rest next) )))
(defun insert-times (times)
  (interactive "xTimes: ")
  (insert-times-helper times 0) )

Use M-x insert-lines (2 5 7 9 12 13 15 17) RET to get
the above result.

Also, I put this in my .zshrc so I don't have to bother
with the redirection syntax of fpscalc.

# fpscalc
rt () {
    sys=`basename $1 $ext`
    fpscalc < $sys$ext > $sys"-fallout.txt"


Please drop me a mail at

  embe8573 A student * uu * se

if you benefited from these tools, or if you have any
comments how they can be improved.

[1 - Elisp source]

[2 - the tool: *not* written by me; external link]

[3 - sample input file]

[4 - same dump, twice]

[5 - dump, source, and the PDF of a CIS (a "critical
     instant scheme")]

Emanuel Berg, programmer-for-rent. CV, projects, etc at uXu
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