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[GNU ELPA] Hyperbole version 9.0.1

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Hyperbole version 9.0.1
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:03:52 -0400

Version 9.0.1 of package Hyperbole has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Hyperbole describes itself as:

  GNU Hyperbole: The Everyday Hypertextual Information Manager

More at

## Summary:

  GNU Hyperbole (pronounced Gnew Hi-per-bo-lee), or just Hyperbole, is like
  Markdown for hypertext, letting you use little or no markup in files to
  produce easy-to-navigate hypermedia files.  It is an easy-to-use, yet
  powerful and programmable hypertextual information management system
  implemented as a GNU Emacs package.  It offers rapid views and interlinking
  of all kinds of textual information, utilizing Emacs for editing.  It can
  dramatically increase your productivity and greatly reduce the number of
  keyboard/mouse keys you'll need to work efficiently.

  Hyperbole lets you:

## Recent NEWS:

*                         What's New in GNU Hyperbole
                                 by Bob Weiner

*                                   V9.0.1

** ACE WINDOW PACKAGE INTEGRATION - fast window and buffer switching

  *** After installing the ace-window package and loading Hyperbole, execute
      (hkey-ace-window-setup "\M-o") to enable the following capabilities:

  *** Fast Window Links: The hkey-window-link command quickly creates links
      to other windows:

         {M-o w <window>} - creates an explicit button linked to point in 
         {C-u M-o w <window>} - creates an unnamed implicit button linked to 
           in <window>
         {M-1 M-o w <window>} - creates a named implicit button linked to point
           in <window>

      See "(hyperbole)Create Link Button".

** ACTION AND ASSIST (SMART) KEYS  (See "(hyperbole)Smart Keys").

  *** Angle Bracket and Braces Thing Selection:  In text and fundamental modes,
      an Action Key press on an angle bracket or a curly brace selects the
      region between a matching pair.  See "(hyperbole)Smart Key Thing

  *** Drag Button Referents to Specific Windows: Just as you previously could
      drag Dired or Buffer Menu items to display in a specific window, you
      can now do the same with Hyperbole Buttons.  Action or Assist Key drag
      from a Hyperbole button and release in another window where you want
      the button's referent (or the result of its action) displayed.  If you
      release the Smart Key outside of an Emacs window, the referent is
      displayed in a new frame.  See "(hyperbole)Displaying Items".

      Visual pulsing of the source line and the destination buffer highlights
      the transfer taking place (hmouse-pulse-flag controls this).

      Dragging a button to a modeline splits the window of the modeline and
      displays the referent in the leftmost or uppermost of the split windows.

  *** Drag to Create Implicit Link Buttons: An Assist Mouse Key drag across
      windows (when not starting from a draggable item) creates an implicit
      link button with an action type determined by the referent at the point
      of button release.  This parallels the same Action Mouse Key drag which
      creates explicit link buttons.  See "(hyperbole)creating implicit

      Previously this drag would swap buffers in windows.  Now you must drag
      from open space in a modeline of the depress window to the buffer text
      in the release window to swap buffers in windows.

      Alternatively, with two windows in a frame, you can create an implicit
      link button from point to the point of the other buffer with {C-h h i l}.

  *** Hyperbole Symbol Tags: Hyperbole now includes a pre-built TAGS file so
      that an Action Key press on any Hyperbole symbol jumps to its
      definition without the need for any additional support.  This also
      works on Hyperbole type names (which have a hidden prefix) in a help
      buffer where an Action Key press displays the type definition.

  *** Lisp Load, Autoload and Require Expressions: Action Key press on any
      named target in such expressions displays the associated library.

  *** Lisp Action Button Help: Action Buttons that utilize regular Lisp
      functions (rather than Hyperbole Action Types) can now have :help
      functions run with a press of the Assist Key on such buttons.  See
      "(hyperbole)Action Buttons".

  *** Smart Dired: Action Key subdirectory selection at point now works on
      any dired header line, not just the first one.  Use {i} to insert
      multiple subdirectories in Dired mode.  Smart Key end-of-line behavior
      is no longer specified in Dired mode but handled globally for
      consistency across modes.  See "(hyperbole)Smart Key - Dired Mode".

** ACTION TYPES  (See "(hyperbole)Action Types").

  *** display-boolean, display-value, display-variable: Made all of these

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