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Re: The patent process [Was Re: Sharing the Family PC is Patent-Pending]

From: Alun
Subject: Re: The patent process [Was Re: Sharing the Family PC is Patent-Pending]
Date: 17 May 2004 21:16:33 GMT
User-agent: Xnews/4.11.09 (Henry E Schaffer) wrote in

> In article <Xns94E6741B54989elektrosmdonet@>,
> Alun  <> wrote:
>> ..
>>I don't think the conclusions follow from the premises in that. I think
>>most of us who are patent professionals agree that the reason that bad 
>>software patents issue is that the examiners mostly look at existing 
>>patents for prior art. Since software wasn't always patentable, it is a
>>given that most really basic ideas won't be found in their search, and
>>so they are then compelled to allow the patent.
>>  ...
>   Problems of this sort have been known since the start of issuance of
> software patents.  A Univ. of Michigan faculty member (now emeritus)
> Bernie Galler has had a long history of working on these problems.
> Search on his name to find more information - also see

I mentioned the SPI databse somewhere in the thread.

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