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Re: RH9 Poor performance, stability

From: Robert Melson
Subject: Re: RH9 Poor performance, stability
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 17:42:11 -0000
User-agent: KNode/0.7.7

On Friday 11 June 2004 16:21, Swampee wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:12:02 -0600, Zinn wrote:
>> I don't think it says anything relevant.  I don't think the system
>> "knows"
>> it's frozen.  It's just wildly swapping in and out of the hard disk. 
>> On
>> one occasion,  my Linux box started freezing up (I could tell because
>> the
>> mouse started moving jerkily).  I ran to my Windows box,  which had
>> an
>> ssh window into it open,  and typed something that would kill any
>> process with a name containing "ozilla" (on the hunch that Mozilla
>> was the culprit).
>> The characters echoed back at about 1 every 15 minutes.  I let the
>> thing run out of curiosity.  About 6 hours later,  Mozilla was in
>> fact killed and the system was usable again. (Another triumph for the
>> Penguin!).  The system didn't think anything anomalous had happened.
>> It just seems that Red Hat 9 isn't very good at handling stressful
>> memory situations.
> You are witnessing Linux at it's worst.
> Linux simply can't perform under load and it's starts to fall apart.
> In fact, like you have seen, Linux doesn't even know when it is frozen
> solid.
> Try the same experiment under Windows XP and see the difference.
> Windows will keep on humming while Linux falls to pieces.
> Linux=shit.
>>> Provide as much relevant information as possible.
>>> Regards,
>>> Larry
Multiple crossposting is generally frowned upon.  Kindly stop.

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