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Re: poor Rich Stallman. Saintignucius begging for cash.

From: Faried Nawaz
Subject: Re: poor Rich Stallman. Saintignucius begging for cash.
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 16:40:56 +0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

"Karen Hill" <> writes:

> Imagine if Jesus had to sell his autograph in church to buy food.

Now that you've brought it up, what exactly DID Jesus do for money the
three years of his ministry?  I have no idea -- I don't think I've thought
about it until reading your post.  Do you know?

> Will people trip over him as he sleeps under a door stop?

What, people don't already do that?

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