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Re: GPL licenced Java application using non GPL jars (libraries)

From: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
Subject: Re: GPL licenced Java application using non GPL jars (libraries)
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 11:49:24 +0100

Ben wrote:
> I've a program I want to release under the GPL, it relies on a number of
> jar libraries covered under other licences such as Apache 2.0.
> Can I still distribute the software under the GPL 

The GNU GPL up to the current version is incompatible with the Apache
Software License 2.0 because this one adds certain restrictions (without
any judgement of value on them) and the GNU GPL does not permit added

This is a problem likely to be overcome when GNU GPL v3 comes out, but
for now you'd have to add an exception clause (google for GPL and
exception clause, I'm sure you'll find examples such as GNU ClassPath).

Seg, 2006-05-22 às 11:41 +0200, Alexander Terekhov escreveu:
> Sure you can. Beware of eventual copyright impotence (penalty for 
> copyright misuse) though.

I advise you to avoid following any advice Alexander Terekhov gives you,
Ben, since his views do not seem to be supported by reality, but instead
by self-quoting (up to three levels deep!) and insults.


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