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Re: "GPL requirement could have a chilling effect on derivative distros"

From: Alexander Terekhov
Subject: Re: "GPL requirement could have a chilling effect on derivative distros"
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 14:53:20 +0200

Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Apropos preemption...
> Looks like Wallace is going to end up in the Supreme Court with that.

Got some inquiries about Wallace's case off-band.

Wallace's case Q&A for dummies:

Q: What the fuck ... !?

A: The context is property. Intangible intellectual property (rights granted 
   under IP license). Property in short.

Q: What price restrictions?

A: Property price restrictions.

Q: What 'price'? Define 'price'.

A: Cost to obtain EXISTING property on buyer's side. Price is fixed at zero 
   in the case of property locked in the GPL pool (e.g. Linux, the GPL part 
   of it).

Q: A GPL coder is not compensated?

A: That plus administration overhead, etc. Cost required to create NEW 
   (GPL derivative works, additions to GPL compilation works) property 
   on seller's side. The GPL fixes the price below cost. Wallace is
   claiming antitrust injury from predatory pricing (pricing below cost)
   and says that the whole scheme is in violation of Sherman Act 1.


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