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Re: With limited powers

From: Chris
Subject: Re: With limited powers
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:30:38 +0100
User-agent: KNode/0.9.2

v4vijayakumar wrote:
> I am posting this 7th time through google groups. I don't know whether
> my previous post was lost. I couldn't see it in google groups.

Which is why most people who post regularly on newsgroups use a proper
newsreader with an nntp host supplier by their isp. On Linux there's a
large choice of newsreaders e.g. Knode, pan, tin, slrn, thunderbird,

Most of the 'groups' on google are not run or supplied by google, but
google supplies a web-based method to access them. However, it does not
update threads immediately and it can take several hours before a
posting is viewed online as you can testify ;-)

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