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Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Bruce Perens and world table

From: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
Subject: Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Bruce Perens and world table
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:15:34 +0100

Qui, 2006-10-19 às 14:31 +0200, Alexander Terekhov escreveu:
> > The FSF does not even "control" ...
> "the intent is to ... control the distribution of derivative or
> collective works based on the Program."
> eh?

How very manipulative of you. A pity you intentionally try to mean that
the FSF is in control of something when in reality...

... the intent [OF THE LICENSOR] is to ... control the distribution of
derivative works based on the Program [HE WROTE].

If I license some software under the GNU GPL _I_ want to control the
distribution of derivative works based on the Program _I_ WROTE in order
to assure every user of what _I_ WROTE get's the same freedoms, and
never a subset of them.

If _I_ intended otherwise, _I_'m perfectly free to choose some other
license, or even to write my own license.

Reality check: the FSF can only maintain the Freedom of software that
has copyrights assigned to the FSF.

Of course there are trolls like Lyons and Therekov, that try to fool
everyone, but are so troll-like that only through shady stuff can they
spell their mischief, for should the sun shine over them, quite clearly
they would be revealed to be as harmless as stone statues.


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