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Re: US court says software is owned, not licensed

From: Rjack
Subject: Re: US court says software is owned, not licensed
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:08:36 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Hyman Rosen wrote:
Alexander Terekhov wrote:
Hyman Rosen wrote:
Alexander Terekhov wrote:
lawfully made tangible copy
The copies made for personal use, under the GPL's ...
*Run* to doctor, Hyman.

As an illustrative example, imagine that you videotape an over-the-air broadcast television program. Do you believe that first-sale allows you to sell the videotape? Do you further believe
 that you may set up a battery of VCRs to record the show multiple
 times and sell those tapes?

How does an "over-the-air broadcast television program" relate
to an "over-the-internet computer program" licensed under a FOSS license?

Before your silly "over-the-air broadcast television program"
rhetorical question even makes sense, you must stipulate what
license, if any, is applicable to the hypothetical
"over-the-air broadcast television program".


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