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From: RJack
Subject: Re: SFLC is SOL
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 16:09:22 -0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)

Just as I predicted, a familiar pattern is emerging in the Best Buy et.
al. charade. The SFLC has stipulated extensions of time in Best Buy and
Western Digital discovery schedules so that "overseas licensors" may be
further investigated. This is the same pattern as Verizon (who also told
them to kiss their ass) where the SFLC will grant voluntary dismissals
to further court action with the named plaintiffs and then trumpet a
face saving claim of "settlement victory" over some entity never even
named in the lawsuit.

The SFLC will *never* voluntarily allow a federal judge to review the
GPL on the merits. They will *always* voluntarily dismiss their cases
and then claim that "Captain Moglen scared them out of the water".

And so the propaganda machine peddles onward.

RJack :)


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