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NYC LOCAL: Wednesday 6 April 2011 NYCBUG: Sam Banks on BSD High Availabi

From: secretary
Subject: NYC LOCAL: Wednesday 6 April 2011 NYCBUG: Sam Banks on BSD High Availability
Date: 5 Apr 2011 01:15:01 -0400

  what="official NYC*BUG announcement"

 Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:08:04 -0400
 From: NYC*BUG Announcements <>
 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG This Week

 Upcoming Meetings, BSDCan

 *      *       *

 April 06, 2011
 BSD High Availability

 6:45 PM, Suspenders Restaurant backroom
 111 Broadway in Manhattan

 The BSD High Availability (HA) suite has some very handy and powerful 
 features. However, as with all systems, there are certain considerations 
 to be made when rolling out a HA implementation. This talk will focus on 
 the security considerations when rolling out a BSD HA implementation.

 The talk will cover the following:

 * An explanation of the BSD HA environment (CARP, pfsync, sasyncd)
 * How these components, specifically CARP, function at a lower level
 * Current and potential attacks against the HA environment, including 
 some demos
 * Security considerations when rolling out a HA implementation and 
 applicable work-arounds
 * Ideas on how to improve the security and flexibility of the BSD HA 
 tool suite

 Speaker Biograpy

 Sam hails from a small country in the middle of nowhere called New 
 Zealand, where people live in mud huts and rub sticks together to 
 produce fire. When not foraging for berries and miscellaneous woodland 
 creatures, Sam works for Lateral Security as a security consultant (a 
 more CEO-friendly word for hacker) where he breaks into systems for a 
 living. Previous to that, he spent several years in programming and 
 system administration roles. He caught the BSD bug many years ago when 
 his friend enlightened him to the fact that he too could have a solid 
 block cursor at the terminal.

 *      *       *

 May Meeting: The Unix Method of Development Management with William Baxter

 *      *       *

 BSDCan is next month.

 BSDCan, a BSD conference held in Ottawa, Canada, has quickly established 
 itself as the technical conference for people working on and with 4.4BSD 
 based operating systems and related projects. The organizers have found 
 a fantastic formula that appeals to a wide range of people from extreme 
 novices to advanced developers. You know you`ll like it.

 BSDCan 2011 will be held on 13-14 May 2011 at University of Ottawa, and 
 will be preceded by two days of Tutorials on 11-12 May 2011.

 Registration is open:
 announce mailing list

Distributed poC TINC:

Jay Sulzberger <>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.

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