;; About the package (define *name* "Guile Library") (define *description* "Common modules for Guile Scheme") (define *version* "0.1.3") (define *updated* "16 November 2006") (define *authors* '(("Andy Wingo" . "wingo at pobox.com") ("Richard Todd" . "richardt at vzavenue.net"))) ;; Copying the documentation (define *copyright-holder* "Andy Wingo, Richard Todd") (define *years* '(2003 2004 2005 2006)) (define *permissions* "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published y the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled \"GNU Free Documentation License\".") ;; Texinfo info (define *texinfo-basename* "guile-library") (define *texinfo-category* "The Algorithmic Language Scheme") (define *extra-texinfo-menu-entries* '(("Copying This Manual") ("Concept Index") ("Function Index"))) (define *texinfo-epilogue* `((node (% (name "Copying This Manual"))) (appendix "Copying This Manual") "This manual is covered under the GNU Free Documentation " "License. A copy of the FDL is provided here." (menu "* GNU Free Documentation License:: License for copying this manual") (include "fdl.texi") (node (% (name "Concept Index"))) (unnumbered "Concept Index") (printindex (% (type "cp"))) (node (% (name "Function Index"))) (unnumbered "Function Index") (printindex (% (type "fn"))))) ;; HTML foo (define *html-relative-root-path* "../../") ;; The modules to document (define *modules* '(((config load) "Loading configuration files") ((container nodal-tree) "A tree consisting of nodes with attributes") ((container delay-tree) "A nodal tree with lazily evaluated fields") ((debugging assert) "Helpful assert macro") ((debugging time) ;; FIXME: also in ice-9, this needs to go. "A simple macro to time the execution of an expression") ((graph topological-sort) "Routines to perform topological sorts") ((htmlprag) "Neil Van Dyke's permissive (\"pragmatic\") HTML parser") ((io string) "SLIB's IO routines dealing with strings") ((logging logger) "A flexible logging system") ((logging port-log) "A logger that outputs to a port") ((logging rotating-log) "A logger that rotates its output files") ((math minima) "A golden-section minimum finder") ((math primes) "Functions related to prime numbers and factorization") ((math rationalize) "Working with fractions") ((os process) "Spawning processes and capturing their output") ((scheme documentation) "Macros to define different kinds of variables with documentation") ((scheme session) "A more featureful " (code "(ice-9 session)")) ((search basic) "Classic search functions") ((statprof) "Statistical profiler") ((string completion) "Building blocks for tab completion") ((string soundex) "The SOUNDEX string categorization algorithm") ((string transform) "Beyond SRFI-13") ((string wrap) "A versatile string formatter") ((sxml apply-templates) "A more XSLT-like approach to SXML transformations") ((sxml simple) "Convenient XML parsing and serializing") ((sxml ssax) "Functional-style XML parsing for Scheme") ((sxml ssax input-parse) "The SSAX tokenizer, optimized for Guile") ((sxml transform) "A higher-order SXML transformation operator, " (code "pre-post-order")) ((sxml xpath) "XPath for SXML") ((term ansi-color) "Generate ANSI color escape sequences") ((texinfo) "Parse texinfo files or fragments into " (code "stexi") ", a " "scheme representation") ((texinfo html) "Transform " (code "stexi") " into HTML") ((texinfo indexing) "Extract an index from a piece of " (code "stexi")) ((texinfo nodal-tree) "Chunk a " (code "stexi") " document into pieces") ((texinfo plain-text) "Render " (code "stexi") " as plain text") ((texinfo serialize) "Render " (code "stexi") " as texinfo") ((texinfo reflection) "Enable texinfo across Guile's help system") ((text parse-lalr) "A LALR(1) parser written in Scheme") ((unit-test) "A JUnit-style unit testing framework"))) ;; link to literate programming article (define *module-sources* '(((sxml ssax) . "http://ssax.sourceforge.net/") ((sxml xpath) . "http://ssax.sourceforge.net/") ((sxml transform) . "http://ssax.sourceforge.net/") ((sxml apply-templates) . "http://ssax.sourceforge.net/") ((sxml ssax input-parse) . "http://ssax.sourceforge.net/") ((htmlprag) . "http://neilvandyke.org/htmlprag/"))) ;; arch-tag: e493ad42-ad58-451c-a2d6-b17ba6c1d1d0