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Re: [RFC] Guile project generator

From: Arne Babenhauserheide
Subject: Re: [RFC] Guile project generator
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 23:24:51 +0200
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Am Dienstag, 15. September 2015, 14:28:28 schrieb David Thompson:
> > Maybe we should consider to make it a GNU standard one, if so, we need
> > to add ChangeLog and NEWS. And BUGS/HACKING/THANKS could be optional.
> Yes, those would also be good to include.

A template for the NEWS file would be good, so people know what to do
with it. Example (built on the NEWS file of Guile):

[The NEWS file lists user-facing changes for the releases, newest first]

Changes in 0.1 (since 0.0):

* Use standard project structure.

This makes it easy to build and test the project with anything which
supports GNU autotools and provides the basic information:
- NEWS (this file)
- README (description of your project)
- (autoconf file with project name, current version and 
- ChangeLog (autogenerated)
- (automake file with build instructions)
- (??)
- COPYING (the license)


To make it nice, we could include a generator for the ChangeLog
instead of the ChangeLog itself. For projects managed with git it
needs a bit of shell mangling, but for Mercurial it’s trivial:

        hg log --style changelog > $@

Since many people will be using git, something conditional would be

        if test -d .hg; then hg log --style changelog > $@; elif test -d .git; 
then git log --no-merges --format='xxx%aI::%aN %n%n%B[%h]' | sed 
's/T..:..:.....:..::/  /' | sed 's/^/        /' | sed 's/        xxx//' > $@; fi

(or a more full featured script like this: )

Best wishes,
Celebrate with ye beauty and gather yer friends for a Pirate Party!

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