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Re: map-par slower than map

From: Olivier Dion
Subject: Re: map-par slower than map
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 08:41:25 -0400

On Thu, 13 Oct 2022, Damien Mattei <> wrote:
> the code did not worked when data length were more little than number of
> cpus (6 on my host) (iota 5) returns #unsepcified:

Yeah sorry I miss indended the output and the rest.  Here's a version
that should work:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 (srfi srfi-1)
 (ice-9 threads))

(define* (par-map-vector proc input
                         (max-thread (current-processor-count)))

  (let* ((block-size (quotient (vector-length input) max-thread))
         (rest (remainder (vector-length input) max-thread))
         (output (make-vector (vector-length input) #f)))
    (when (not (zero? block-size))
      (let ((mtx (make-mutex))
            (cnd (make-condition-variable))
            (n 0))
         (lambda (scale output)
            (let lp ((i 0))
              (when (< i block-size)
                (let ((i (+ i (* scale block-size))))
                  (vector-set! output i (proc (vector-ref input i))))
                (lp (1+ i))))
            (with-mutex mtx
              (set! n (1+ n))
              (signal-condition-variable cnd)))
         (iota max-thread))
        (with-mutex mtx
          (while (not (< n max-thread))
            (wait-condition-variable cnd mtx)))))
    (let ((base (- (vector-length input) rest)))
      (let lp ((i 0))
        (when (< i rest)
          (let ((i (+ i base)))
            (vector-set! output i (proc (vector-ref input i))))
          (lp (1+ i)))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Olivier Dion

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