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[h-e-w] gnuclientw, Cygwin paths and mutt.

From: Guy Worthington
Subject: [h-e-w] gnuclientw, Cygwin paths and mutt.
Date: 30 Nov 2002 17:04:19 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Earlier this month, there was a thread on using emacs as the editor
for mutt.  I'm still having trouble setting it up.

I have a gnuserv operating to my satisfaction by slavishly following
the post by David Vanderschel "Subject: gnuserv: Various Tips for
Fully Exploiting this Functionality" (July 26 2000).

I have modified my ~/.muttrc by adding the following two lines

set editor="gnuclientw"
set tmpdir="c:\/cygwin\/tmp"

the second line was a futile attempt at reconciling mutt's idea of
tmpdir (/tmp) and gnuclientw's idea of what /tmp equated to (c:\tmp).

I have now eliminated the message in the *Messages* buffer "Use M-x
make-directory to create a new directory", because gnuclientw wanted
to make a temp file in c:\tmp, and I now have emacs creating a file
`c:\cygwin\tmp\mutt-XXXXXX'.  Unfortunately it is a blank file.  It
neither has headings such as (To: or Subject:) nor does it have the
included message.

I am now stuck.

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