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Re: [h-e-w] Opening a frame on a second monitor

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: [h-e-w] Opening a frame on a second monitor
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:42:04 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

BKnoth wrote:
I've been searching for a command that allows me to open a frame on a second monitor on WinXP. I recall that I even succeeded once, but don't know what I did (or if I was dreaming).

I want a "make-frame-on-display" command that works on Win32 (the existing "make-frame-on-display" command seems to only support X).

That's not what make-frame-on-display does. It opens a frame on a different X display (ie, a different login session). Multiple monitors in the same session are handled by setting the x and y offset in frame-parameters to position the frame where you want it, whether on X or on Windows.

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