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[h-e-w] Re: Rebinding doesn't work in patched version

From: Ulrike Fischer
Subject: [h-e-w] Re: Rebinding doesn't work in patched version
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 13:53:07 +0100
User-agent: 40tude_Dialog/

Am Fri, 27 Nov 2009 13:17:09 +0100 schrieb Lennart Borgman:

>>> I'm still trying to get Ctrl+o, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+w + Ctrl+f to do
>>> something similar as in other windows applications.
>>> I have erased my previous emacs version (including the .emacs-file)
>>> and installed the newest patched version
>>> (GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
>>>  of 2009-11-04 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched))
>>> I have enabled all emacs32 defaults (that worked), I have enable the
>>> loading of Nxhtml (worked fine too) and then I tried to toggle on
>>> the rebinding of Ctrt+o and now I get an warning/error message
>>> starting with:
>>> Warning (t): invalid (key-sequence :tag "Emacs key binding" :value
>>> "C-a" :parent (list :args ((key-sequence :tag "Emacs key binding"
>>> :value "") (string :tag "Why rebind" :value "") (boolean :tag
>>> "Rebinding on/off") (choice :tag "Move original by" :args ((const
>>> :tag "Don't put it on any new binding" :args nil :value nil) (choice
>>> :tag "Add key binding modifier" :args ((const :args nil :value meta)
>>> (const :args nil :value control) (const :args nil :value shift)))
>>> (key-sequence :tag "New binding for original function" :value "")))
>>> (command :tag "New command on above key" :value "ignore")) :value
>>> ([(control 97)] "C-a
>>> ....
>>> And the message buffers says:
>>> custom-variable-set: Symbol's function definition is void:
>>> edmacro-parse-keys
>> Thanks for reporting this. Does it help to put
>>   (require 'edmacro)
>> at the top of rebind.el?
> Ehum, or rather at the top of new-key-seq-widget.el?

Well the error message goes away if I add it. But the rebinding
still don't work, I again have the same problems as with the
previous version: Even after I toggle them on ctrl+0 inserts a
newline, ctrl+f moves forward by a char 

 .emacs does contain the following:

'(ourcomments-ido-ctrl-tab t)
 '(rebind-keys (quote (("MS Windows - often used key bindings" t
(([(control 97)] "C-a on w32 normally means 'select all'. In Emacs
it is `beginning-of-line'." t shift mark-whole-buffer) ([(control
111)] "C-o on w32 normally means 'open file'. In Emacs it is
`open-line'." t shift find-file) ([(control 102)] "C-f is commonly
search on w32. In Emacs it is `forward-char'." t shift
isearch-forward) ([(control 115)] "C-s is normally 'save file' on
w32. In Emacs it is `isearch-forward'." nil nil save-buffer)
([(control 119)] "C-w is often something like kill-buffer on w32. In
Emacs it is `kill-region'." t shift kill-buffer) ([(control 112)]
"C-p is nearly always print on w32. In Emacs it is `previous-line'."
t shift hfyview-buffer))))))
 '(rebind-keys-mode t)
 '(recentf-mode t)
 '(sex-mode t)
 '(tabkey2-mode t)
 '(w32-meta-style (quote w32-lr))
 '(w32shell-shell (quote cmd)))

Ulrike Fischer 

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