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Re: [Help-gsl] Underlying types in the GSL

From: Peter Jay Salzman
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Underlying types in the GSL
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 19:28:18 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Tue 13 Feb 07,  6:09 PM, Warren Weckesser <address@hidden> said:
> Here is an interesting article about tgmath:
> Warren Weckesser

It was a fascinating read -- I always wondered how tgmath does its magic.

But I guess my response to him would be...

#1. Eh.  I think there are far worse evils in the world.

#2. I'll make sure to pass the proper function name next time I pass a
      library function.   ;-)

#3. Definitely a problem.  But still.  It's a problem I can live with until
      the ISO committee releases C19 to fix it.

A terrific read -- thanks for posting it.  Actually, I went through a few of
his other blogs and love them all, even though I find myself disagreeing
with him on many other points.

I can't believe more people don't comment on his writings.


How VBA rounds a number depends on the number's internal representation.
You cannot always predict how it will round when the rounding digit is 5.
If you want a rounding function that rounds according to predictable rules,
you should write your own.
              -- MSDN, on Microsoft VBA's "stochastic" rounding function

Peter Jay Salzman, email: address@hidden web:    
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