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Re: Using GSL with C++

From: Pedro Gardete
Subject: Re: Using GSL with C++
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 18:26:00 +0100


Good question.

I think the main thing that could useful for some people is to produce a
quasi-scripting language to use gsl (i.e., approximate matlab ease of use,
for example). So, basically, introducing a number of overloads, etc, to
make using gsl via C/C++ very easy. Loading matrices, saving them, etc. I
tend to think the usual proficiency of C/C++ coders is enough to use gsl as

Just a thought.

Best wishes,

On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 1:44 PM John D Lamb <address@hidden> wrote:

> I finally got round to releasing C++ wrappers for GSL-2.6 on
> under GPL. These were originally just for me to avoid
> alloc() and free() functions while keeping most of the efficiency of GSL.
> Are there any other surviving attempts to wrap GSL in C++? And how many
> people are interested anyway?
> It looks like gsl-- and gslwrap haven’t had any development in over a
> decade. I guess o2scl is still going, though it’s more a C++ library
> that interfaces well with GSL. There’s also RcppGSL, though that is only
> really a link between GSL and R through Rcpp.
> Is it worthwhile doing more here? What is actually needed by C++ users?
> --
> John D Lamb

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