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Fwd: Packaging a cmake C++ header only library requiring C++17

From: Josh Marshall
Subject: Fwd: Packaging a cmake C++ header only library requiring C++17
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 13:11:51 -0500


nckd and I have gone back and forth over a few days in IRC trying to
help me out here.  I am trying to package magic-enum ( ) which is a C++ header only
library requiring at least C++ 17, and uses the cmake build system.
The problem which we can't figure out is why the compiler being used
is the default for `gcc` at 7.4 while there is explicit use and
dependency on `gcc` 9.2 via `gcc-9`.  We're stumped.

Attached are the latest package definitions, build log, and cli
invocation and output.

Attachment: 0545hcvyz4p07jc5xz4crak2cvpxpv-magic-enum-0.6.3.drv.bz2
Description: application/bzip2

Attachment: magic-enum.scm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: stdout
Description: Binary data

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