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Re: Replacing python venv - environment or profile?

From: Phil
Subject: Re: Replacing python venv - environment or profile?
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 20:35:18 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Much appreciated Arne - lots of interesting stuff on your website - a few
comments below too.

Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide writes:

> As far as I see it, guix environment is what you get from a virtualenv,
> plus a good deal more. I start more complex programs nowadays by pulling
> in their dependencies in a small startup file. The following is my
> actual command for running IntelliJ with custom libraries and the
> correct libstdc++:
> exec -a "$0" guix environment --ad-hoc openjdk@14 openjdk@14:jdk 
> gcc-toolchain@10.2 -- bash -c 
> "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/arne/.guix-profile/lib:$(realpath 
> ~/.guix-profile/lib/"'
>  IDEA_JDK="$(dirname $(dirname $(realpath $(which java))))" exec -a "$0" bash 
> -x idea-IU-193.6911.18/bin/'

Cool so Intellij starts up inside it's own environment with specific
toolchain and JDK requirements.

One question - is there any reason to use 'guix environment' rather than
have a profile setup with packages you need that you could then source
and start from?

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