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Re: stumpwm contrib modules have been broken

From: Guillaume Le Vaillant
Subject: Re: stumpwm contrib modules have been broken
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 11:09:33 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Katherine Cox-Buday <> skribis:

> Sometime recently, the way Common Lisp code is compiled was changed (for
> the better, I think), and now my StumpWM contrib modules won't load.
> Here's why:
> StumpWM looks[1] for .asd files to determine what is a module. Guix's
> Common Lisp build system used to combine an entire system into a single
> .fasl file and then produce a .asd file for loading it. Now -- as far as
> I can tell -- it looks like `lib/common-lisp/sbcl` is more like the
> Common Lisp cache: one .fasl file per .lisp file.
> If I point StumpWM at `lib/common-lisp/sbcl` via `set-module-dir`, it
> finds no modules. If I point StumpWM at `share/common-lisp/sbcl`, it
> finds modules, tries to compile them, and then gives me a permissions
> error about writing to the `/gnu` store.
> Is anyone using StumpWM contrib modules successfully with Guix's new
> layout? How?
> [1] -


In my StumpWM init file, I use '(asdf:load-system ...)' instead of
'(load-module ...)' to load the contrib modules that are installed in my
Guix profile, and it works.

I'll see if I can find a combination 'set-module-dir' and
'add-to-load-path' that makes the 'load-module' function work

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