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Re: MATE Desktop fails

From: Gottfried
Subject: Re: MATE Desktop fails
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 14:08:05 +0000


Is this under X or Wayland? Please see if the eyes in 'xeyes' follow
your mouse. In X, you can try something like

     xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto --left-of LVDS-1

xrandr will tell you the names of all available outputs when you run
it without arguments.

gfp@Tuxedo ~$ xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto --left-of LVDS-1
-bash: xrandr: Kommando nicht gefunden.

xrandr seems to be not installed.
gfp@Tuxedo ~$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE

so I am in Xorg.

I forgot to say that Debian manages very well the GUI/Desktops
So for Guix it will be still much work to improve on that,
in order that Guix becomes like Debian.
Debian works well with the proprietory software.
Without them there are problems. This is my experience.

If it is possible to use Debian testing without proprietary software
it would be an alternative, but we would need somebody who tells us if that works well.

GDM should offer a MATE session in the login screen when both are
installed, but I haven't tried.

I can try to install it. hopefully it will work.

Kind regards


Am 10.05.23 um 00:58 schrieb Felix Lechner:
Hi Gottfried,

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 2:26 PM Gottfried <> wrote:

I would like to stay with GNU Guix if possible,

Thank you for your continued goodwill toward Guix.

but it takes a lot of time at the moment,

My first month with Guix was one of the hardest ever. I was so
desperate and felt so small, I hardly slept. My todo list was
enormous, and anguish filled my heart.

the MATE desktop can’t use an additional monitor besides the laptop,

Is this under X or Wayland? Please see if the eyes in 'xeyes' follow
your mouse. In X, you can try something like

     xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto --left-of LVDS-1

xrandr will tell you the names of all available outputs when you run
it without arguments.

I started to learn Emacs some month ago, but it takes a lot of time, and
I am not able to use your approach with EXWM because I don’t have the
time to study computer science/Informatik.

You shouldn't, and I do not recommend it.

Of course Emacs is very good and I would like to learn to use it little
by little.

Emacs is an editor for you (and a way of life for me). It's actually a
bit like yoga. You can go into the pose as deeply as you like, but you
should not go further than you are comfortable at that moment.

I also share that hope, because Debian works well, I simply left it
because I want GNU and a rolling release distro.

You could track Debian testing [1] as I did for twenty years. It's a
rolling release in which software is guaranteed to build on all
official machine types.

For the hardy, there is also Debian unstable. [2] That's kind of what
you are getting with Guix, although the latter is a lot more stable
and has dramatically less danger of data loss.


I would be satisfied if Guix System manages to use some desktops on a
basic level, simply to use it for the daily needs.

Gnome 3 seems to be reasonably well supported on my family's
computers, which run Guix.

I am learning to be satisfied with the basics.

Welcome to the club. May your freedom serve as compensation for your toils.

It would be interesting if the gdm display manager in MATE desktop would
work, if somebody updates the MATE desktop to the version 1.27 (now 1.24.1).

GDM should offer a MATE session in the login screen when both are
installed, but I haven't tried.

Thanks for sticking with us!

Kind regards


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