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Pinebook Pro boot from NVME

From: paul
Subject: Pinebook Pro boot from NVME
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2023 11:42:51 +0200
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Hello Guixers,

I'm interested in using the best distro in the world on my Pinebook Pro (currently the bootloader is broken on master, see [0], but guix time-machine allows me to still be able to proceed). I'm able to do so and Guix boots perfectly from choosing the SD card from the Tow Boot menu but I'm unable to make the default image boot from a NVME disk.

This is the workflow I'm using:

image=$(guix time-machine --commit=d6a53849935f8584e1df57faa79c18c23fbb2aa1 
--system image -e '(@ (gnu system images pinebook-pro) 
pinebook-pro-barebones-raw-image)' --system=aarch64-linux)


sudo dd if=$image of=/dev/mmblk1 bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync

for flashing the sd card and

sudo dd if=$image of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync

for flashing the nvme disk.

I'm using tow boot and i have armbian on emmc, guix system on sd card and guix system on nvme. One really strange behavior happens:

1. I choose the nvme option in tow boot
2. I'm instantaneously presented the U-Boot menu (as opposed to when I
   choose the sd card, where I'm also presented u-boot but quite a lot
   slower) so I'm pretty sure that the bootloader is correctly read
   from the disk
3. a Guix System loads but when I log in as root and run mount the /
   filesystem is mounted on /dev/mmblk1

My understanding of this situation is that the u-boot Pinebook Pro package somewhere has the sd card device hardcoded. I'm not really sure where, and I'm doing my best by studying the Guix source code, but if anyone of you with more knowledge than me can help it would be a lot easier.

Thank you for your time,



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