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problem commiting over ssh

From: Doug Munsinger
Subject: problem commiting over ssh
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 20:33:33 -0400

I hope this is a simple and stupid error on my part, but I can't find any specifics in any of the cvs docs nor on the web - I can diff, checkout, BUT I cannot commit - This is commiting to a new respository, BUT - the behavior is the same trying to commit to the one we currently have in service. I'm trying to get our developers access remotely using ssh, but I have to solve this first.

Solutions? Ideas? any more data needed to figure this out?
Much thanks in advance.

address@hidden acme]$ address@hidden/build/vault; export CVSROOT
address@hidden acme]$ CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH
address@hidden acme]$ cd cvs_test/
address@hidden cvs_test]$ ls
address@hidden cvs_test]$ cvs co doc
Enter passphrase for RSA key 'address@hidden'
cvs server Updating doc
cvs server Updating doc/equipment
U doc/equipment/LabNetworkLayout.doc
U doc/equipment/ProtoMachines.htm
cvs server Updating doc/howto
U doc/howto/DevProcedures.htm
U doc/howto/ReleaseEngineeringCharter.doc
U doc/howto/cvs_build
U doc/howto/machine_setup
U doc/howto/rawio.txt
cvs server Updating doc/requirements
U doc/requirements/MRD.doc
address@hidden cvs_test]$ ls
TestMgt  doc
address@hidden cvs_test]$ cd doc
address@hidden doc]$ ls
CVS  equipment  howto  requirements  schedules  technical_specs  white_papers
address@hidden doc]$ touch test
address@hidden doc]$ echo testme please >> test
address@hidden doc]$ cvs add test
Enter passphrase for RSA key 'address@hidden'
cvs server scheduling file `test' for addition
cvs server use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
address@hidden doc]$ cvs commit test
Enter passphrase for RSA key 'address@hidden'

Change ID(CID)= 716;
Change Description
Add network support to Management Console.

CVS  (Separate multiple Change ID's with a comma)
CVS  (Semi-colon at end of ID list is ***REQ'D***)
CVS   pid 1068
CVS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS' are removed automatically
CVS Committing in .
CVS Added Files
CVS    test
CVS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"/tmp/cvsU8Y8FX" 19L, 528C written
cvs server commitinfo16 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo17 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo18 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo19 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo20 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo21 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo22 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo23 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server commitinfo24 no such user variable ${=MSG}
cvs server Pre-commit check failed
cvs [server aborted] correct above errors first!
cvs commit saving log message in /tmp/cvs7p8hYX
address@hidden doc]$

Doug Munsinger

egenera, Inc.
165 Forest Street, Marlboro, MA  01752
Tel: 508-786-9444 ext. 2612

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