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RE: Number of lines of code changed between tags

From: Jerry Nairn
Subject: RE: Number of lines of code changed between tags
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:45:20 -0700

>From: Keith Beattie [mailto:address@hidden
>Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 3:48 PM

>How can I find the total number of lines changed (for text files only)
>between two static tags for an entire module or subtree of the 

You can pipe the output from

cvs -nq diff -R -n -r tag1 -r tag2 subtree_path

through a perl script like this.
I have only used this on Solaris, so I can't vouch for it on any other
platform, but it ought to work fine.
If you use it, and modify it at all, I'd like to see your improvements.

#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# Copyright 2001-2001 AdForce, Inc.  This file is the exclusive property of 
# AdForce Inc., and may not be used or altered without AdForce's express   
# written permission.                                                      
# Jerry Nairn, AdForce Release Engineering, address@hidden
# This script is intended to parse the output of cvs diff commands
# The command should have the format:
#  cvs -nq diff -R -n <date and revision args> <files and dirs>
$line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^cvs diff: (.*)$/) {
    print "*** $1\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /^([acd])[0-9]+\s([0-9]+)$/) {
    $mod = $1;
    $num = $2;
    if ( $mod eq "a" ) {
        if ( $num > $dnum ) {
            $csum += $dnum;
            $asum += ( $num - $dnum );
        } else {
            $csum += $num;
            $dsum += ( $dnum - $num );
        $dnum = 0;
    } elsif ( $mod eq "d" ) {
        $dsum += $dnum;
        $dnum = $num;
} elsif ($line =~ /^RCS file\: ${ENV{CVSROOT}}\/(.*)\,v$/) {
    $newfilename = $1;
    $dsum += $dnum;
    if ( $filename ) {
        $fileasums{$filename} = $asum;
        $filedsums{$filename} = $dsum;
        $filecsums{$filename} = $csum;
        $filetotal{$filename} = ( $csum + $dsum + $asum );
        print "$filename: ";
        if ( $asum ) {
            print "$asum added, ";
            $overallasum += $asum;
        if ( $dsum ) {
            print "$dsum deleted, ";
            $overalldsum += $dsum;
        if ( $csum ) {
            print "$csum changed, ";
            $overallcsum += $csum;
        print "$filetotal{$filename} lines total\n";
        print "   revision $oldrev{$filename} to revision
        $overalltotal += $filetotal{$filename};
    $asum = $dsum = $csum = 0;
    $filename = $newfilename;
} elsif ($line =~ /^diff -n -r([0-9\.]*) -r([0-9\.]*)\s*$/) {
    $oldrev{$filename} = $1;
    $newrev{$filename} = $2;
} else {
    if ( $dnum ) {
        $dsum += $dnum;
    $dnum = 0;

if ( eof ) {
        if ( ! $overallasum ) { $overallasum = 0; }
        print "Total Added Lines = $overallasum\n";
        if ( ! $overallcsum ) { $overallcsum = 0; }
        print "Total Changed Lines = $overallcsum\n";
        if ( ! $overalldsum ) { $overalldsum = 0; }
        print "Total Deleted Lines = $overalldsum\n";
        print "Total = $overalltotal\n";

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