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Re: sylinks in fs pointing to cvs files [owned by root]

From: Pierre Asselin
Subject: Re: sylinks in fs pointing to cvs files [owned by root]
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 17:37:04 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: nn/6.6.3

In <address@hidden> Harry Putnam <address@hidden> writes:

>I'm only a light user of cvs, and use it to keep track of my config
>files on home machines, as well as my home projects.

>One thing that seems convienient to me is to have basic system config
>files like /etc/hosts /etc/syslog.conf and quite a few more in cvs and
>only symlinks in the fs pointing to them.

>However some of the basic config files will not work unless owned by

>How can I conveniently work around the issue of root not being allowed
>to commit in cvs repository?  With any files owned by root inside the
>repository then no one else can run `cvs commit'.  At least not if
>those files are involved.

Add a Makefile to your sandbox.  Check out,  edit and commit the files as
J_Random_User, then su to root to run a 'make install'.  The Makefile
symlinks the config files to the sandbox versions where sufficient, or
copies the sandbox files to the config files, changes ownership and
permissions, etc. if necessary.  And the Makefile is under revision
control too.

If you don't know/like make, use a shell script to do the install.
Same idea: su to root, run the shell script.

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