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RE: Bug tracking.

From: Zieg, Mark
Subject: RE: Bug tracking.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 09:11:44 -0400

I don't actually do any of this (I'm not into formal bug tracking), but here 
are some ideas...

> 2. How can I identify that ten files anytime? Is it based on the comment
> that developer made when check in? How else can I do it?

It is usually done with the commit comment, as you describe.  Another approach 
is to create a branch, like "Branch-Bug_123-Fixes", apply the fixes on the 
branch, then merge the branch back to the trunk.

> 3. How can I apply those ten files very precisely from Dev branch to Trunk
> then to another branch?

The ideal way would be to create a tag before the bug fixes were committed:

  $ cvs tag Bugfixes-123-Before

Then commit the fixes...

  $ cvs tag Bugfixes-123-Fixed

Then you can apply that set of changes to any branch using...

  $ cvs update -j Bugfixes-123-Before -j Bugfixes-123-After

> 4. Can I automate these processes?

Probably, if you're a clever scripter.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:02 PM
To: Zieg, Mark
Subject: RE: Bug tracking.


Sorry to send you individual email . I post the same question in
info-cvs but no replies.

I am not using any bug tracking tools yet. Can anyone tell me how I can do
the followings?

1. Developer check in ten files related to a bug number into Dev branch,
e.g. bug #123.
2. How can I identify that ten files anytime? Is it based on the comment
that developer made when check in? How else can I do it?
3. How can I apply those ten files very precisely from Dev branch to Trunk
then to another branch?
4. Can I automate these processes?

Please email me directly at address@hidden

Thank you in advance.


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