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Re: Tracking Release numbers in your builds/deployments...

From: Alex Pimenov
Subject: Re: Tracking Release numbers in your builds/deployments...
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 16:22:21 -0700 (PDT)


I don't think CVS wold help here because it is more of a build feature rather 
than of a VCS.  

Our Parabuild will do it for you. It maintains the release version for the 
product automatically.
This feature is often used to provide release information that is built-in into 
the product. Here
is a code snippet that does it in a fully automated fashion:

class Version {
   public static final String RELEASE_VERSION="@release.version@";


<project name="ear" default="build">
   <property environment="ENV"/>
   <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src"/>
   <property name="classes.dir" value="${basedir}/temp/classes"/>
   <property name="version.staging.dir" value="${basedir}/temp/staging"/>

   <!-- Replaces template in Java version with actual release information -->
   <target name="version">
      <mkdir dir="${version.staging.dir}"/>
      <copy file="" todir="${version.staging.dir}">
            <filter token="release.version" value="${ENV.PARABUILD_VERSION}"/>

   <!-- Compiles version class and project sources -->
   <target name="build" depends="version">
      <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
      <javac destdir="${classes.dir}" fork="yes">
         <src path="${version.staging.dir}"/>
         <src path="${src.dir}"/>

Here is a link to the feature description. You will have to scroll to the 
section "Product Version
Templates And Counters":

Thank you.

Alex Pimenov

--- James Depaul <address@hidden> wrote:

> I'm wondering if some of you would share how you track Release numbers in
> your builds that you deploy - that is, I assume you'd TAG the release
> before deploying, then run the build script to produce the deployment
> artifact (WAR or EAR file) and then deploy that - it would be nice to know
> what release (TAG) is deployed on any of the servers (DEV, TEST, INTEGR,
> PROD) - I wonder how some of you track that and how you determine the code
> release level on each server.  Can CvS somehow help with this issue -
> thanks in advance -
> James

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