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commit question

From: Hector Santos
Subject: commit question
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 21:57:21 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

You think you have it all figured out with the complexing branching model in CVS and then something happens where either you forget the basic ideas or you screwed something up. I never used "sticky tags" before until recently but I don't recall how I added it. I thought I did what I normally do without a problem in commits:

        cvs tag rev6_3_452_6

but I must of added some other stupid confusing switch (excuse the frustration please) because now I am not sure how to get around the following:

Here is the status of several files among many in a project folder for comparison, all files are like the first two, up-to-date, except the last one, wcrepair.rc:

File: wcrepair.cpp         Status: Up-to-date

  Working revision:    1.3    Sat Jun  7 11:44:13 2008
  Repository revision:    1.3    g:\cvsroot\wc5\wcrepair/wcrepair.cpp,v
  Sticky Tag:        rev6_3_452_6 (revision: 1.3)
  Sticky Date:        (none)
  Sticky Options:    (none)

File: wcrepair.h           Status: Up-to-date

  Working revision:    1.2    Thu Mar 31 01:42:58 2005
  Repository revision:    1.2    g:\cvsroot\wc5\wcrepair/wcrepair.h,v
  Sticky Tag:        rev6_3_452_6 (revision: 1.2)
  Sticky Date:        (none)
  Sticky Options:    (none)

File: wcrepair.rc          Status: Locally Modified

  Working revision:    1.4    Sun Jun 15 02:01:29 2008
  Repository revision:    1.4    g:\cvsroot\wc5\wcrepair/wcrepair.rc,v
  Sticky Tag:        rev6_3_452_6 (revision: 1.4)
  Sticky Date:        (none)
  Sticky Options:    (none)

Now when I commit this,
  V:\local\wc5\wcRepair>cvs commit -m "wcrepair resource version update"

I get:

cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: sticky tag `rev6_3_452_6' for file `wcrepair.rc' is not a branch
cvs commit: Examining res
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

I don't wish to remove the tag because these set of folders are part of a v6.3 release "end of life" and just in maintenance mode.

What switches do I need here?

As I said,  for the longest, I just use

     cvs commit -m "final commit for revX_X_XXX_"
     cvs tag revX_X_XXX_

and then precede for the next reversion. But we moved on to v7.0 which I did within a new cvsroot to not confuse version control issues with the v6.3 cvsroot. But I must of added some which that now prevents me to go back, make a small change and commit.
I guess it did its job. Its telling me

"Dude, you tried to make this a final revision which a sticky tag, but not you are attempting to breaking out of that. I am stopping you until you figure it out."

I need the "CVS for DUMMIES" handbook. <g>


Hector Santos, CTO

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