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Re: Non-local page-break oddities

From: Joel C. Salomon
Subject: Re: Non-local page-break oddities
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:41:05 -0400
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On 4/25/23 01:41, William Rehwinkel wrote:

I think that using multiple bookparts is a perfect strategy for this document based on this example, in which each score should nicely start on a new page.

Without any minimal examples, it is hard to determine what exactly is causing the bad page-breaking results, maybe you are using the optimal-page-turn algorithm for example.

Thanks for reminding me about the various page break algorithms.   I’d found that when I last had a chance to work on this project, but had not made a note for myself before putting the work away.

On 4/25/23 01:49, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Le lundi 24 avril 2023 à 23:33 -0400, Joel C. Salomon a écrit :

\book {
  \paper { min-systems-per-page = 2 }

This doesn't do what you think. In \book, a \paper occurring anywhere applies to the entire book, not only to the scores that follow it.

Interesting. When I experimented, it did seem as if `min-systems-per-page = 2` was, in fact, only effective for that last score.  Probably some complicated consequences of the page-breaking algorithm instead.

(It looks like perhaps using \bookpart around chunks of the book might help, but that re-prints the book header when I don’t want it to, and I’m not seeing how to suppress that.)


  \bookpart {
    \paper {
      bookTitleMarkup = ##f

Between both of you, I’ve got

  \book {
    \paper {
      page-breaking = #ly:optimal-breaking
      max-systems-per-page = 8 min-systems-per-page = 5
    \bookpart {
      \paper { max-systems-per-page = 9 min-systems-per-page = 7 bookTitleMarkup = #f }
      \header { copyright = #f }
    \bookpart {
      \paper { bookTitleMarkup = #f }  \header { copyright = #f }

working, with overrides for min/max as needed (as shown).  Thank you both!

Is there a way to have

      \paper { bookTitleMarkup = #f }  \header { copyright = #f }

be the default for bookparts in my project?  There’s bookTitleMarkup and scoreTitleMarkup but no bookpartTitleMarkup that I can see.


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